
It’s funny how I see a bunch of conservative ding songs crying about the mylan thing, it’s like dude, that’s how the free market thing works bruh. Plus I mean tons of people are being gouged like crazy for more life saving medications than epi-pens and no one gives a shit about those people. It’s just the hot button

Authorities recovered a list made by the caller entitled Ways To Make Money:

“He ain’t even got as much security as Fountains of Wayne.”

Listen asshole, I didn’t work 5 years behind the fryer to be called anything less than Assistant Manager at the McDonalds

You sound like you lead a rich and imaginative inner life that bears very little resemblance to the reality in which the rest of us exist.

I bet that actually explains the handwriting. They prepared a typed one that read “Rudy Giuliani” and he said, “nah. It’s ‘mayor’ or you’re going to have to find some other failed hack to deliver hot-takes in the voice of Elmer Fudd.”

More cupholders.

Honestly, how am I to know watching that video that these are cops trying to wreck the guy. 3 unmarked SUVs and an unmarked truck. I thought maybe the guy had just cut someone off pulling out of the Whole Foods parking lot.

Arizona really demanding Florida raise its game this half.

This is disgusting. I can’t believe in the desperate search for mid-day ratings, a network TV station would air such garbage. I hope more people get angry about this, ugh, Rudy Giuliani, what a waste.

Now playing

Buzz Aldrin is offering his services to the victim and his family.

I hate to be that guy, but politics has always been like this in our country. Always. It’s just that the internet brings it into everyone’s home and sadly, it sometimes amplifies the voice of the looniest among us in a way newspapers couldn’t. But even back in the day, it was very similar: In 1800, John Adams said

He had a contract. She settled.

Meekly-Built Mother’s latest E.P., The Child With The Broken Arm, soars to the top of the indie charts.

Oh sure, blame the government when private business (the conservative hero) shows exactly what greed looks like. ITT needs to be shut down. It was ITT that lured in students, saddled them with debt and gave them shit to show for it. Sure there are some go getters that go there,but that is a side effect - ITT certainly

I love the fact that Deadspin writers and commenters were all up in arms, calling Jim Harbaugh deranged and out of touch on how to deal with players, who are grown men, right after someone (I think it was an o-line player) said that Harbaugh treated the players like children after Harbaugh left.

I’m pretty happy she was alive to see a black man become President. Fuck her and may she rest in hell.

This is a magnificent obituary and is exactly how she deserves to be memorialized.

you should always say something good about the dead: she’s dead, good.