how things work in reality, not works of fiction.
how things work in reality, not works of fiction.
A partial list of things Jordan Sargent has never eaten. Except for 15, he’s had 15.
Hipster bullshit??
Its genuinely ironic. People have short memories and are slow to recognize hipocrisy. I remember all those Muslims in America, in Paterson NJ, Jersey City, and elsewhere, gathering in the streets and on the roof tops, cheering and celebrating the destruction and death at the Twin Towers.
Professional football is a stupid and pointless game, populated by deranged asshole players, deranged asshole coaching staff, and deranged asshole owners. Spectators suck too. Sports radio blows chunks.
Yeah. You know what makes the world respect you, motherfucking bombs. After wasting billions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives in Afghanistan and Iraq, the world respected the hell out of us, even though we lost. Thanks Obama for destroying the respect Bush spent so many years building. A black family…
At least she’s no Rachel Dolezal. That would make this contretemps that much more confusin.
Good thing her heart was in the right place, otherwise she would probably be dead.
Of course she was. Just like almost every woman ever. He probably had a passionless and emotionally unsatisfied life because his frigid nagging wife just used him to provide her with a home and food but was too much of a bitch to give anything in return. It’s sad that this guy had to take refuge in providing big…
Throw in a mariachi band with every truck and we don’t have to worry about a minimum guaranteed wage. Everybody working, everybody well fed, everybody happy and dancing.
If all you do is go to a party to mock and manipulate for your own amusement, then don’t go at all oh pooper of parties.
The trouble with books is that the recharging port for the batteries is so hard to find.
All of these ‘cycles’ and climate events occurred before humans in their current form and complex civilization existed. Many species became extinct with each correction. It is quite possible that the next correction will dispense with humans.
The doctor seems OK. The reporter is kind of an asshole though. But reporters frequently are assholes. I’d hate to be a reporter.
I’m sure this will cloud and cast a shadow over Clinton’s campaign.
My, my, my. Some people sho is wasteful. Throw out a perfectly usable kid like that.
What you gotta do is taze em. If that doesn’t faze em, well just taze em again.
Sure. But at least they are legal to fuck at that point.
Nailed into barrels when weaned, and fed through the bunghole. (Bunghole — haha, sounds gay).
Hmmm. The rule of multiples might apply here. If several teachers are assholes to your teenager, it could be your teenager is the asshole. Certainly further investigation is merited.