

How can you be allergic to tacos? Thats ridiculous. Nobody can be allergic to tacos.

There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.

So, she gets raped and then parties with the guy who raped her. And we can't even question whether that makes sense?

Dunno.....that was pretty awesome.

You’re focusing on the wrong name. You should be focused on the name of the controlling shareholder of the Daily Mail:

“It’s the entire defensive playbook with audibles, descriptions of what the guy’s supposed to do, the whole nine yards,” he said.

Remember when gawker was paid by NBC-Universal to shill this hacks show every morning? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Tom Hiddleston, Rihanna and Louis CK play “Find the Nude Photos of Lorne Michaels Jimmy Has Stashed in His House Somewhere.”

Jimmy gets sewn up inside a burlap sack and thrown into the ocean. His guests dance until he’s dead.

Sorry, no. Teenagers are assholes and need to be taught by assholes to become bigger assholes. Wait, that’s business school. Never mind.

An elementary school teacher, for sure. High school teachers get a pass because teenagers are assholes, too.

The latter argument, however, is one reason why cord-cutting is overrated. If you are an urbanite in a big city where broadband is good shape, cord-cutting is an option and a worthwhile one. But for those in rural communities (especially in the Mountain West) where getting cable and Internet is a struggle,

Al inicio de la conversación con Donald Trump dejé claro que México no pagará por el muro.

I bought a hamburger at the Open 10 years ago for $10.00. And Mike Tyson is a thief? You go champ.

When the president of Mexico’s English is better than yours...

Five or ten years from now, regardless of how the election goes, he’ll be telling this story.

How do you spell Gavrilo Princip in Spanish?

Maybe he got one of those spam emails I get like “Congrats you won a free trip to Mexico! Click here to claim”, but it was actually an email from Hillary disguised as spam to get him out of the country. Then when he gets there Mexico is like dude we didn’t invite you so he comes back home but we won’t let him back in.