
Sounds like he probably was “too tough”. You could easily have a hairline fracture in your clavicle and brush it off as a pro athlete and no one would necessarily pick it up. 6 years out what they’re seeing is a healed fracture of some kind from God knows when. Hell it could have happened in high school or college.

Seems the “neutral doctors” we are referred to by the league overlooked the injuries and issues I currently deal with.

It’s just one of those many things that go in large corporations as “cost control” measures. The C level wants to keep the payroll down, so tells middle management to ensure no one works past certain hours. Middle management knows it can’t rely on store managers to cut people off, so they come up with the idea to

You’re probably right. I remember poor Jon Huntsman four years ago, who would absolutely be a moderate or centrist Republican, barely registering. He was boring, certainly, but that was less important to primary voters than his cooperation with “others.”

The Great Society and War on Poverty were actually going really well in a lot of ways until the Right dismantled them in the 1980s and decided to double down on the War on Drugs in a way that gutted inner city communities.

Hey cunt, this story was not about game tactics, it was about a shitbag thug kicking another player for making a fair play. It was about uncontrolled rage when he didn’t get what he wanted. It was about his superiority complex to another human.

The 2 were going to transfer to Baylor, but were turned down because they forgot to rape the girl before leaving.

I was just talking to my wife about this. I grew up in New York, so I’m used to this guy. He’s always been stupid, outspoken, annoying and dangerous (watch the documentary “The Central Park Five”), but now it seems like real dementia is setting in.

I’m really split on this particular viewpoint. On one hand, I think you could be right - that this will normalize “moderate” racism. On the other hand, this is the first time in decades that a Democratic candidate has called out, in explicit detail, a Republican presidential candidates racism. This may make it more

This should help. Kids love pictures!

Maybe if those kids got jobs they wouldn’t be so poor.

“If we can’t get 750, we respectfully thank you but we’re going to move on.”

Not his daughter.

your input is not necessary brenda


Sarcasm or not, this is exactly what the Bolts are hoping for. You can always count on the public siding with the billionaire suit over the football player.

What Trump SHOULD do is eat mini bagels. They'll make his hands look regular size and reassure The Jews.

All of which, is eaten with a knife and fork. Why won’t he eat with his tiny, tiny hands?

I think you will feel differently if Trump gets elected and actual TP becomes a rare commodity. Because the ECONOMY WILL BE IN THE TOILET.