
Nah, it’s not about being broke, it’s about obligating your friends to pay for the party you want to have. If you want to throw yourself a dinner, pay for it. If your friends want to throw you a birthday dinner, they will offer.

Everyone will be forced to share the bill, so share the meal. Order wines for the table, appetizers to share, entrees to share. Go full family style. Then the only feasible way to split the bill is evenly.

This article is about how to address typical sources of conflict in a group dinner and your response is basically “what’s the big deal?  all of my friends are awesome and we’re always on the same page about everything so why would there ever be any conflict? When the bill comes we join hands and sing a round of

Except that doesn’t include tax. In most cities I’ve visited, tax typically ranges somewhere from 6-10%, depending on local laws. Using my food&drink total of $26, that puts you at around $28 before considering tip. So your $30 is only a 7% tip, which is well below the standard.

I hate people who do this!  If you want to throw yourself a birthday dinner, congrats!  You’re the host and you get to pay!

Yeah, this is me. My SO knows how I feel about group dinners now and has pretty much stopped asking me if I want to go. I feel like an anti-social heel (I’m not) but it’s better for me and them that I not sit there and stew over getting the scrapings of that delicious thimble-sized appetizer they ordered and we now

Yes. My friends had a short period of time when we always had to go out to a group dinner for people’s birthdays. It was horrible. I went twice and then refused to go to any more. There was always someone who had to order multiple bottles of wine, usually the same person who would commandeer the conversation. 

1) Show up a little late to a group dinner because of a prior obligation, to which everyone said “Oh that’s fine! Join us when you can!”

I want to go ahead and thank William J Sisti for providing the header photo. I just spent 30 minutes poking around his Flickr account and now i have to go back to work, so i just had time to skim the actual article.

As a very old-school conservative who hates Trump and what the GOP has become, I love AOC. I hope she’s the rock that the old white racists crash upon.

Yeah, Big Rice Lobby is paying us hundreds of dollars a month for product placement. You got us!

Assets: None.

Black Mirror is an anthology series. Yes there are call-back easter eggs, but each episode is a standalone.

Third person is a piece of shit who wants the risk of an affair but the safety that if it falls apart with the affair they have the marriage to fall back on.

Yeah, I got into the hobby during the gilded age. Got a Sapphire Preferred with a 50,000 point bonus, then the Reserve less than a year later for another 100,000. Doubt anything quite like that will be viable again in the near term.

Yeah, I got into the hobby during the gilded age. Got a Sapphire Preferred with a 50,000 point bonus, then the

I am going to try to spend less on groceries. This means getting cash and going to Aldi’s, which is by far the cheapest... but the people there are so freaking mean. They glower, they treat me like I’m an idiot, and they roll their eyes. I have tried our Aldi’s 3 times attempting to save money, but each time I leave

Lost 115 pounds in 2018; 310 to 195.  Going to (a) get down to 180, and (b) starting a not-a-runner-to-5K program, and when the weather breaks, I’m running a 5K.

I’m making steady progress on paying down $6k in credit card debt by forgoing most non-food purchases and learning to repair clothing rather than replace it. Life without money is pretty boring now, but I have a stack of free books to keep me busy and I walk a mile in the park after work.

not the original poster, but everybody loses baby weight differently. Personally, I lost the first 2/3 of the weight without really trying, I just started walking more once I hit 6 weeks post-partum. But the last 10-15 pounds hung around until baby started solids and I wasn’t breastfeeding as much. At that point, I

After a few years of not being in a steady workout routine, and a lifetime of not being naturally athletic, I joined CrossFit in August (partly inspired by your burpee challenge, which I did not stick with the whole month!). I love it! I’ve made a ton of progress in the last few months, getting much stronger, and