
Jessica Whonow? Yamahama. AahOOOOHga!

Ugh. So sad. People still live in Detroit.

One mentally disturbed individual in a country of 350 million.

LOL well done.

Standard Jezebel Writings? Either way I agree. Ridiculous to groom your child as an extremist of any sort.

What does "a lot" mean to you? Surely you can answer that question successfully.

It seems you are not the specific type of woman I mentioned in my comment. This is made clear by your intention, which was the focal point of my comment. Your intention was different than the one laid out in my comment. I therefore absolutely must, even against your objections, say that not all women go to college

Standard 11 year old thought process. I bet she's very happy to feel oppressed at that age. Well done. You bred a victim. #progress

I wish I didn't miss your misuse of antidotes! God I hope you meant to do that. So good.

It's not bad, it's just not the goal of some women. I laid that out pretty clearly I thought.

They both do it. The difference is that this is an extra-curricular for a man but a main endeavor for a girl.

You are insinuating you were a feminist in high school? Christ almighty where was your childhood? Stolen, no doubt, by feminists.

Like it or not a lot of girls go to college to find a husband or to find a job where they can find a husband.

Not true Sipowitcz, not true.

Not in my experience anyways.

Don't even know what that insult means so sorry Charlie!

Realise? Are you from the Great Britain?

For some people it means that internet dating is just on the internet though... :(

Old enough to do basically anything I want.

Untrue? It's called internet dating! IMO it's like a video game.