
OMG how did you do that many of those? Each one represents the time it would take for a beautiful pelican to move the grains of sand, one by one, from all the beaches of Australia to the middle of Iowa, and that time represents your undying love for me? That's what you meant I knew it!

OK sure cassie whatever you say ;)

OK, granted OKC is in the middle of nowhere, but at least it's real life unlike the internet.

That's actually a compliment ;)

Usually both parties can't agree to meet up though so it falls through or worse yet, never happens.

Well my expectation is to have a billion dollars. Come on, most of internet dating is just looking at pictures and fantasizing.

That almost never happens. 90% of internet dating is just looking at profiles.

Sorry but commenting and internet chatting isn't dating.

Never really understood internet dating sites. So anti-social.

So just put on your shoes and walk north. We welcome all illegal immigrants.