
Pokes fun at marginalized communities? Have you actually seen the cartoons? Because they specifically make fun of Islamic terrorists who behead people. If "Islamic terrorists who behead people" is a "marginalized community" you're worried about, I don't agree with you.

I think Ross Douthat, of all people, actually had the best response to this:

You should read about what Charlie Hebdo actually wrote and drew. They satirized all religions and in fact, their latest cover was a satire on an anti-Islamic book written by a Frenchman.

Because why? you STILL got sick. This is what doesn't make sense to be about the flu shot, people still get the flu. So what are we really doing? And is the flu that big of a problem? OK, so you get sick for a few days, big deal. Lets put the research and money into something else like cancer research. Alas, I know

The perpetrator clearly had mental problems. That's the excuse liberals like to use to shift blame from the core group or culture, right?

1 (800) 273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). Just going to leave this here. Keep on, keeping on, man. Everyone else, lay off this troll. For all we know, trolling Jezebel is maybe one of his only connections to real, living people.

My gods. Most 11 year olds are fucking annoying as it is, can you imagine having to listen to secondhand SJW caterwauling on a loop from one of them?

are you sure you went to college? i don't think "antidotes" is the word you want to use. an antidote is something that counteracts against a poison. i think you mean anecdotes.

Uggh, I wish I didn't have antidotes that backed up that exact thing, but freshman orientation was a weirdly eye opening experience where I was exposed to a non feminist world.

Not anti social just geared for a different personality type. I'm super awkward and shy so having a low-pain way of breaking the ice helps.

Met my wife though online dating. We've been together for over 10 years.

you are like, quadrupling down on this. respect.