She went with him because he needs a carer, in case he’s out the house when his amphetamine-induced dementia sun-downing begins.
She went with him because he needs a carer, in case he’s out the house when his amphetamine-induced dementia sun-downing begins.
Now what will aspiring Eva Braun cosplayers wear to the Bowling Green Massacre vigils?
Not throwing a fit and then getting self-congratulatory about it afterwards might be a start. Yiannopoulous would be just another ostensibly nameless writer on the right, like most people writing for Breitbart, or the Gawker network for the left, or any other place. But he lobs controversy, liberals overreact, and…
You could start by not feeding into him so perfectly with violent protests. This sort of reaction to him coming to a campus isn’t the effect of him gaining national traction, it’s the cause of him gaining national traction.
I’ve actually been listening to a lot of his speeches, he doesn’t do a single speech without directly attacking and creating a mob against at least one person or being objectively racist.
Counterpoint: trolls thrive on conflict and getting a reaction, and so resorting to violence and/or vandalism as protest is giving him exactly what he wants. The entire scheme is to poke the bear and get people angry enough to provoke physical retaliation, and then say “oh look how violent these ‘tolerant’ leftists…
The Neo-Nazi’s got what they wanted. A violent group of leftists “supressing campus free speech.”
Pieter Sittler, a spokesperson for the Berkeley Campus Republicans clarified that “he gives a voice to repressed conservative thought on American college campuses” and uses “levity and humor” to get his point across.
I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.
We should just agree to disagree that the non-white races are inferior and must be purged. Is that asking too much in the name of civilized discourse?
Yeah, by that measure we should have never let any Italians into the US after they strung up Mussolini. Violent overthrow of a dictator happens. You really gonna piss all over the oppressed people who did it, fucking savage though it may have been?
They’ve essentially declared war on all of our American values. It’s time for total war:
I can’t wait until they gaslight us on Melania.
Drag her, drag Ivanka, drag the fucking ten year old. I don’t give a single, solitary fuck anymore. Do what needs done.
Capitulating and playing nice with these motherfuckers for the last sixteen years has led straight to this shit. It’s time for us to strangle the fucking stupid out of them if we have to.
Exactly, but you can lure him and his cabinet into a screening of a popular children’s film, lock all of the doors and then light the room on fire. It’d be so easy I can’t believe no one is doing this.
Why is nobody bringing up Qaddafi’s 2009 UN visit, when he literally camped out on an estate owned by Donald J. Trump?
And the rest of the Republicans are doing everything they can to shield him.
This is the problem right now, and why Trump is winning this war for the actual power in America: people are still dealing with him in civil and normal terms, as if both sides of this fight were operating inside the same boundaries of democracy and public accountability. As this Senator is doing, expecting that such a…
Yeah well only about 18 months ago people were saying there’d never be a President worse than W. Bush and look what happened.