
For the sake of argument, if vaccines are completely safe why is everyone afraid to have that proven? I know, you will say it’s already been proven, so then why not have it proven again? No one on this panel was arguing to get rid of vaccinations but to simply verify their safety. I don’t know why this is so upsetting

I agree that the worst thing that could happen to this guy is having everyone ignore him, he feeds off liberal outrage, it’s his bread and butter. You can be against what he says without giving him what he wants - allow him to speak to his choir. If no one is outside protesting he will be destroyed.

I agree, why is Jezebel trashing Taylor? Everyone writes about their exes, EVERYONE - she just writes about high profile guys who don't want to be talked about. And why is everyone ok with Kim leaking this tape? It is so "mean girl" high school behaviour. I don't care if Taylor lied or not, why would she try to