
I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.


BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

You guys aren’t the only ones having panic attacks. We’re right next door and we’ll be one of the first nuked

Isn’t this the usual point in this tea party scenario where this shitbag beats up his wife or kids or steals money or texts his weiner or visits a prostitute and then blames it on the devil or liberals?

Absolutely. And one thing that the movie makes ridiculously clear is that there is plenty of “footage” of Slenderman on the internet, which makes it even more difficult to dismiss if you are already prone to believing those kinds of things. Some of the video material featured in the documentary is downright terrifying

I don’t remember the specifics of the diagnosis in the film (watched it at SXSW last year), but if I remember correctly, Morgan has a family history of schizophrenia and has a confirmed diagnosis, while Anissa was identified as having difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, but not a mental illness in the

exactly. why do we even have juvenile courts if a 12 year old will be tried as an adult?

It is an interesting dichotomy that we practice with respect to children.

It has something of the weird folie a deux vibe of the awful Parker/Hulme case depicted in the movie Heavenly Creatures—these kids were already broken, separately and individually, but turned into something not merely broken but lethal when they were together.

My parents were loving, open, non judgemental parents who gave reasonable freedoms and consequences. They are the best parents Ive ever seen. I still felt that way. I hid everything. Because they just “wouldn’t understand.” I hid when my best friend tried to murder me bc they wouldn’t get that she was sick, they’d

i’m no child psychologist, but i’ve heard/read that a child’s prefrontal cortex (which is responsible for complex thoughts, social interactions, and decision making) isn’t fully developed until their adults. like i said, i’m no psychologists yet i understand this quite clearly.

The whole point of having court for juveniles is that the brain of children is different. Why have juvenile court if every horrible crime is going to be tried as if they were adults.

One of my greatest irritations is when people I assume are intelligent argue that because developing minds (aka, preteen girls) “knew what they were doing,” that they should be tried as adults. Knowing what one is doing isn’t part of being an adult, it’s part of being sentient. Dogs are fucking sentient. Octopuses are

They’re still suffering from serious mental illnesses and have been proven to be a danger to others. Trying them as adults for attempted murder does miss the point of the case. They should be sent to an in-patient mental health facility for their good and for the protection of the rest of the community. But since

The same state that frames Steven Avery and sentences him to life in jail tries two innocent little girls as adults.

I can’t understand why they’d be tried as adults. Especially if they have established diagnoses of schizophrenia and schizotypal personality (which is essentially a less severe disorder in the schizophrenia spectrum, but with severe social isolation/discomfort and delusional ideas). If a person doesn’t truly

It’s disgusting to me how we routinely try children as adults.

That said, Morgan’s and Anissa’s particular situation remains haunting. They will be tried as adults in a criminal trial expected to start this year. They face 65 years in jail. Their situation is reminiscent of that of the similarly impressionable “Manson girls” Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten who remain