
No, it’s not just Rudy. I know plenty of women (all suburban white women, by some strange coincidence!) who’ve been expressing their confusion as to why these protests happened. “It’s just an election - get on with it! Think happy thoughts like me! I don’t let these things bother me and you shouldn’t either!”

technically giving hand jobs to the president is a job. so yes, he has a job.

Can I just say that I have had this conversation several times now with conservative leaning friends(who by the way are not bad people.) And they keep saying “Donald Trump won and the left needs to just get over it already. This won’t change a thing.” And my reply is as follows. The protests absolutely can and will

I can’t decide if that would help with under-boob sweat, or just highlight it...

Women don’t care about impractical, bullshit fantasy dress-up this year. If it isn’t comfortable enough for crouching in a bomb shelter or standing on a raft for 3 days, it’s nonsense and unnecessary. Get a grip, Raf.

I was just going to post this. They’re basically lobbying for theoretical people. This is pretty much “Every Sperm Is Sacred” territory.

Seriously? You think an anti-climate change rally should have people from the oil industry there too?

If a major point of the march is defending a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body then people whose purpose is to dictate terms to women about what they can do with their bodies are not going to be welcome.

They say “feminists” when what they mean is just “women”

I’m going to start demanding that we grant the Martian colony statehood and full voting rights in Congress. I know it’s only a hypothetical colony at this point, but pre-colony rights are important, too.

My argument has always been that pro-life is your choice. The choice of others is none of your damn business. If you want the right to choose life, you have to be prepared to let others make their own choice.

It’s like being furious about amputations. It’s an unfortunate medical procedure that is sometimes necessary, but no one gets riled up about Hippocratic oathes to “do no harm” when a surgeon is holding a scalpel (or even a bone saw).

“We’re feminists, just ones that don’t agree with feminism.”

It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.

You don’t give stuff to the slutty mcsults, you punish them. It is getting to the point they only care about the moment of conception. Married, white, upper class, ultra Christian, fine, screwing a married Republican and get knocked up, fine, daughter of any above, who made a “mistake” that would embarrass the family,

The abortion rate is currently at its lowest point since Roe v Wade passed. Because we had Planned Parenthood and access for free birth control.

“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.

This “preborn women’s rights” line is the newest argument the anti-abortion crowd is pulling out of their asses. I just had a guy try and pull it on me this morning. This along with the “okay, we’re gonna be feminists now, only pro-life ones” (oxymoron much?), is obviously the latest strategy coming down from the

They say they feel left out from a march with a feminist platform, but I bet they wouldn’t want Catholics for Choice co-sponsoring March for Life...

They were there to reclaim feminism for the anti-abortion movement, to use the language of feminism, but to recenter on “pre-born” women and the abortion industry. “We’re marching for the pre-born,” Lori told Jezebel. Both of them were unhappy about the unapologetically pro-choice stance of the Women’s March.