
His whole adult life has been a staged fucking event.

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

By virtue of voting for him, all Trump voters are, at the very least, definitely okay with racism. We need to hold those voters accountable for that.

There is some flawed idea that if we just tried to understand, we would magically agree and be on the same side. I pride myself in honestly trying to understand the other side. I work with republicans, I am friends with republicans. I engage with them and try to learn more. Some of it I agree with, some of it I don’t.

They’re not all racists.

If you voted Trump you’re at the very least tolerant of racism.

I understand that sexism, racism, xenophobia, incompetence, and corruption were not deal breakers for them, whether or not they personally carry those qualities themselves.

If they weren’t racist, sexist, cruel-spirited, or greedy themselves, they were willing to vote for somebody who clearly is. Obviously, those traits are not repugnant to them, and they see that sort of person as being a fine fit for the Presidency. That makes those people just as bad, and certainly complicit.

There are two types of people who voted for Trump: people who are racist, and people who do not care about racism (i.e., those who say they voted for him for other reasons discounting that), and honestly, the latter is just as disgusting as the former. There is no justification.

You can stick out your hand and get it slapped back so many times before you need to say “fuck it.” Those are supposedly functioning, thinking people. It’s well past the time they should see that they’re voting against their own interest in some cases. If they want to change course, the others will welcome them. But

I already know. They are mad because they’re working oh so hard and aren’t getting much of anything in this economy. In other words, they’re being treated the way PoC have always been treated and they don’t like it; but they expect u s to put up with it with a smile.

Trump supporters have been interviewed about why they were voting for him.

What is there worth trying to understand and engage with about people who, at best, have signaled they are okay with racism and bigotry?

I don’t think ignoring him is a matter of privilege, but strategy. Due to the protest, he’s getting much more attention from mainstream outlets than would have happened if he’d just blabbered on to an audience of already-converted idiots. Protesting his speach just gives him ammunition, and harms core liberal ideals.

He doesn’t care about preaching to his choir. He grows his brand by stirring up controversy, by outraging the liberals, by being oppressed! If he was scoffed at and promptly ignored then he’d be free to say nasty things to other nasty little people but get a lot less traction absent any big conflict. I’m not at all

What if people just ignored him? Let him wow the college republicans on campus with his rhetoric and then go home. He thrives on drama and outrage, otherwise his whole act suffers. He makes the news and racks up viral videos when he says awful things to and about liberals and protestors who come to his events so how

My Senator...leading The Resistance today.

Trump thinks Meryl Streep is “over-rated.” This comes from a man that gave us Scott Baio at the national convention.

“inciting people’s worst instincts.”

I do not understand what this woman is saying.