
No one ever wants to fuck poor Luke.

Uh, Han Solo Harrison Ford pretty much awoke my sexuality. WOULD DO YES INDEED YES.

Time machine? I’d fuck him now.

I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost

I was raped by a stranger, and I continued to live my life like nothing had happened. Looking back, I don’t know how I managed to do that. Somewhere between compartmentalization and a kind of denial, I guess. My boyfriend at the time was very bothered by my lack of signs of obvious psychological trauma. He concluded

I did as well, which was in large part due to the fact that my rapist was also my fiancé.

I continued having sex with the guy who raped me. Initiated it and everything. It was part of my attempt to pretend it didn’t happen

Except that can’t be it. Clinton disproportionately lost counties that bounced back the most since the recession. There was no correlation between Trump support and areas hurt by trade. He’s anti-union, so not sure where you got that part. Literally the only part of the message they got was pro-white identity

Seriously. I mean, what, reopen the coal mines? WTF do these white poor people think is going to happen?

Are you part of this community? Do you live among them? Are they in your family? I can answer yes to two of those questions and tell you, with absolute confidence, yes it fucking is about racism, sexism, and xenophobia.

Yes, he continued to lie to a lot of people and did so with vigor and enthusiasm unmatched. You’re not revealing anything we didn’t know. I guess Clinton should have just lied to them too.

“I look forward to them lashing out at the GOP in the next midterm when their situation doesn’t markedly improve.”

So you want us to be nice to racist, sexist, xenophobic bigots??

This is what I’m wondering too. I’m not sure how a guy like Trump becomes a champion for these downtrodden people in the rust belt. Trump is the very embodiment of the rich, white factory owners who left these people behind. His party stands in direct opposition to everything that will benefit these people (decent

Oh stop the bullshit. Trump had one message, kick out the foreigners. And racists middle American and the south responded. How many times did Trump supporters say being PC was destroying America. PC meaning putting up with minorities. Go fuck yourself and your bullshit excuse for choosing a racist President.

It is a lot easier to determine the point of the switch. Working class rust belt whites have seen their communities getting worse while the rest of the country bounced back.

Which is better, to be ignored or told lies?

Continuing to ignore that core truth. there have been several articles over the last few weeks that stressed the reality that this was not about the economy. The people voting for Trump were mostly employed and not low income.

I hope Trump sends the rest of their jobs overseas and the region completely dies after last night. I don’t care about how awful and petty that sounds. Clinton planned to give new ckean energy plans to the region; Mango Mussolini has no plan, and I hpe they fucking choke on it.

I think the issue is that Hillary didn’t speak to them specifically as white people. Because she should not have needed to. Those ppl weren’t the only communities in the rust belt suffering. People in the next neighborhood over were going through the same thing, and worse.