
Yep. Voting 3rd party or abstaining in this existing system is still making the choice that you’re ok with either the Rep. or Dem candidate. Clinton isn’t perfect, but anyone who is ok with contributing towards a Trump presidency (along with a Rep. congress and SCOTUS) is not someone who should be bragging about how

Go back and read your comment. And past ones you’ve made in the EXACT SAME vein.

Thank you.

“Blah blah blah American policy for the past 50 years is all the fault of Hilary Clinton so, fuck domestic policy, economics, LGBTs, women, or brown people in America because all that matters is U.S. foreign policy when voting for a President and even though Trump is a foreign policy nightmare, it’s okay because

I don’t mean to burst your bubble but I know lots of people (white and PoC!) who hold the same dumb views and actually say shit like that Hillary and Trump are interchangeable, with a straight face. Several are Latinos who actually still defend the disastrous Venezuelan government and the Castro regime and believe in

Isn’t it infuriating? Where did people get the idea that their feelings are more important than other people’s lives? If they really believed in these third parties so much, they’d be working to see them elected to lower ticket positions.

Someone, I forget who, noted that this “voting my conscience” bullshit is the exact opposite of conscientious behavior. Conscience is what makes you serve the greater good by doing things that may or may not actually be personally gratifying to you.

“I have zero respect for anyone who feels their own high and mighty Facebook bragging rights take precedence over the needs of so many others.”

This “conscience” business is narcissism of the highest order. I have zero respect for anyone who feels their own high and mighty Facebook bragging rights take precedence over the needs of so many others.

No, because as a Sanders supporter, you believe there’s a secret conspiracy headed by the DNC that coerced, blackmailed or possibly even tortured Bernie into endorsing a candidate he once did everything he could to save America from. Bernie’s like a prisoner of war - his words are manipulated by the people with the li

I think that that is what frustrates me most about the people who are choosing to vote based on their conscience: in my experience, they’re overwhelmingly people who will not be directly impacted by their decision. Mostly it’s white abled-bodied heterosexual cis men (most of whom are happily middle class or higher) or

Counter-point: If Susan Sarandon’s endorsement on November 1st is something that could effect the way you choose to vote, you’re already a big part of the problem.

Well, she’s a white entitled idiot who won’t be affected if Trump wins so, OF COURSE SHE DOES.

Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

If you’re a Sanders supporter, and he is a Clinton supporter, shouldn’t you currently be supporting the excutive branch candidate that he thinks will best help him accomplish his legislative branch goals?

I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most

Progressive ideas like being against rape, tolerance for the LGBT community and equal pay. This offends the male nerds-who-can’t-get-laid base of the GOP. Let’s check in with the Republican base as they had something to say today...

“It’s really hard for a lot of conservative women to contemplate the idea of feminism because it’s been so owned by liberal democrats pushing very progressive policy ideas,”

All men have kill lists. Women need to realize this & stop fussing.

Yeah I’m right there with you but on the other hand boys will be boys, locker room talk, banter, only words & so on.