
It’s a television show like “Pride and Prejudice” is a novel. Entertainment that strikes a nerve and makes people think, in this case about complicated family relationships, class and character.

“She’s mean to some stupid kid. Who cares?”

Emily is verbally abusive, usually cold, snobby, WASPy, and inconsiderate of people she considers to be beneath her, which is most people. Also two-faced as hell. There’s a scene where she’s playing cards with a little girl at Luke’s, acting like the nice grandma because she thinks the girl is Luke’s daughter. As soon

You wrote a thing strangers can read. Please provide us with your name, address, tax records and video of your latest physical, asap. You obviously owe it to us.

Your opinion is incredibly misguided. Authors tend toward introversion and social anxiety. We are observers and commentators. Many of us use pen names because we do not wish to link our work to our “real” identities for any number of reasons. Women writers, you may not be surprised to learn, are often subjected to

Bullshit. Authors are only celebrities if they choose to be. And even if they were celebrities no celebrity owes you anything other than what they choose to make public and no one has any right to pry into anything they don’t want to make public (with the exception of criminal behaviour). If you buy a Ferrante book

Yeah, fuck right off. There is nothing about being an author (or any kind of celebrity) that justifies being doxxed.

wrong. she/he owes you nothing. she/he gets her pages in on time, makes money for the publisher, agent & self, and makes readers happy. there isn’t anything else she/he must do to fulfill the contract.

Even then, do we really want to demand we know the real name and home address of every interesting person who appears in public? Is it so hard to enjoy what is offered? News is news, but personal details which do little to illuminate anything of importance to the public are not news.

If anything I enjoy books more when I know nothing about the author. Thanks, Elena Ferrantes of the world.


Looks like it. Fuck her anyway because now that she’s carrying a bunch of cells she’s not a person.


Indeed. And its a noticeably regressive definition of conservatism, ie not just budget ideology. It’s seems conservatives are throwing their libertarian underpinnings of justice and liberty completely out for pro-white male privileges:”pro-life” (ie antichoice), xenophobic domestic and foreign policy,

Is it just me or are a lot of countries (including the US) going through a more conservative movement/backlash compared to like, 5-10 years ago?

I don’t necessarily read the Chloe Moretz tweets as defending Swift or insulting the public for consuming gossip- she said, “people in this industry” and has made fun of Swift in the past. I think she was looking at Kanye, Kim, and Taylor, three incredibly wealthy and successful human beings, and telling them to get

Sorry. Still don’t see the party where she signed off on being called a bitch. I hate all parties, but hate Kanye the most. You can try to tart this up as much as you want, but this is just awful people making you more awful for watching it. It’s pigs wrestling in sewage and sloshing it everywhere.

Say the people who rely heavily on the continual stream of projectile vomit that is ALL of this.