Bammon Taylor

He definitely needs to capitalize on his Sorta Looking Like Anthony Edwards-ness while he can

I think in retrospect we’ve learned Martin is a seriously undisciplined writer and we’re lucky he got as far as he did.

Is anyone going to give a shit about Game of Thrones by then? I seriously doubt it.

I have literally lost count of how many other projects he’s picked up since then but yeah, he’s writing every day, sure he is.

Martin has gone on record saying his estate won’t let anyone take over.

Speaking of Welles, he’s coming out with his recut of The Magnificent Ambersons really soon now, right?

Hey, it’s our monthly “I’m going to finish the series, really I am” news item.

Definitely the way most of us read that headline.

It always amazes me that the people most in the “unlimited free speech, no exceptions” camp don’t think that criticism (or even dissenting opinions) counts as free speech for some reason.

He needs to start a new charity: Joints for Jerks.

I love it when a millionaire celebrity tells me it is up to “us” because a finely honed Tweet written by his PR team is way more effective than him giving a shitload of money to Democratic candidates that pledge to do something about gun control.

No, I am sure he would tell you that only applies to him, and not to someone that would say something that would offend him.

Whenever some privileged millionaire complains that they’re a victim of “cancel culture” I open a new tab and Google their net worth. Yeah, you’re being super oppressed, Dave.

It is literally a matter of time until a racist comic uses these exact same arguments

I predict that in the next five years stand up is just going to be a guy yelling FUCK YOU to an audience for thirty minutes

I’m sorry, did someone expect Ricky Gervais to NOT be a POS about this?

Guy That Could Throw $100M at a Political Action Committee Says “We” Should Do Something

…just your regular reminder that stand-ups will always band together because “being allowed to say whatever I want on stage” always trumps “ not being an asshole”

There is literally no way on earth this movie will live up to the hype we’ve already seen.

Is this the “Wacky host from Good Eats” Alton Brown or the “seemed to actively hate every hosting job he had for about ten years” Alton Brown?