Bammon Taylor

It was interesting that in the Prequels all the Jedi were “you must not have any attachments” but in Clone Wars it seemed like they all had somebody on the side

Well, when the alternative explanation is “Samuel Jackson really wanted to be in a Star Wars movie and it seemed like a good move at the time” it’s a pretty decent after-the-fact interpretation 

I think it was Will Rogers that said “Never miss a good opportunity to shut up”

It’s weird because it would have been the easiest thing in the world to not say anything in support of your “accused by sixteen men of sexual impropriety” friend

Midichlorians was the start of the whole “the Force is this genetic thing that only two bloodlines in the galaxy seem to have now” 

The Matrix. Fight Club. Galaxy Quest. Blair Witch Project. Iron Giant. Being John Malkovitch.

Someone in Editorial is very excited about TPM’s 25th anniversary.

I sure don’t want to watch TPM again to check but if Qui-Gonn said fifty words to Anakin I’d be surprised

It’s weird to think that the pod race is, at fifteen minutes, more than ten percent of the entire movie. Narratively, it’s barely a speed bump (“well, I guess now we can go do the main quest”) but it goes on forever.

It’s just a weird fifteen minute side trail that answers the cinematic question”how can we cough up some dough to buy this kid out of slavery” that Amidala giving Qui-Gonn a necklace would have solved in eight seconds but that wouldn’t sell toys.

Sure, he has a “right to work” but studios have a right to not hire him if he is a PITA for whatever reason.

I’m guessing literally all of those people have a production company, maybe they should sign him up

I’ve liked him in things but he has a style and House of Cards was almost self-parody of The Kevin Spacey School of Acting

Weird because the entire history of Hollywood has been “well, we’re done with that guy, let’s get a new one” but Spacey that can’t do without? Hmmmm

Isn’t she one of those “Woody Allen isn’t that bad a guy once you get to know him, he’s easy to work with” types?

It amazes me that Stephen Fry can’t figure out why people might not want to see Kevin Spacey in a movie nowadays

It comes off as a pretty by-the-numbers “white culture comes to destroy native civilization, white guy goes native to lead the rebellion” story in the Dances With Wolves/Last Samurai mold.

Rise of Skywalker was having to sit through several hours of JJ Abrams go “fuck, I don’t know, she’s Palpatine’s granddaughter or something, then they all ride space horses on the outside of a starship or something. Shut up and eat your popcorn.”

You can just hear the directors say “well, fuck, I’ve gotta put in a goddamn Quidditch match or I’ll catch hell for it.”

The entire movie was a toy commercial.