Bammon Taylor

If you can’t realize there is a difference between someone saying something shitty in 2010 and regretting it and someone else saying something shitty in 2020 and not regretting it, I can’t help you.

There were several women that got lost in the shuffle of Everything Must Be About Kristen Wiig back then


You know what I’ve heard literally every day for the past five years? Some variant of “This! This will bring him down for good!”

Right? How did a Frankenstein father and a vampire mother have a human daughter? Come on, man.

Tim Burton is number one on my list of people I used to like that need to go away forever.

Maybe Danny Elfman will do the soundtrack...that would be radical

The whole “these people are so damn stupid they’ll do anything the teevee tells them to do” defense...are we just supposed to let them go and do whatever the heck they’re told next time?

All he needs to do is go DURR GUNS TEXAS and he’ll win in a landslide.

I think this Republican strategy of killing off their constituents is an interesting one.

These people are okay with being miserable as long as their leaders promise to make other people more miserable.

Puzzlemaster Jeffrey strikes again!

Whoever said “Bruce Timm can’t carry a Batman animated series, let’s get JJ Abrams to help him” needs to get punched in the neck.

I assume that’s a rhetorical question based on all the times Thomas should have recused himself for cases his wife was involved in.

Some people just couldn’t get excited about her. Plus they were too cool to care.

Evangelical Christians are funny that way, they both love Jews and despise them. They can simultaneously co-opt Passover and call them “Christ killers.”

Evangos want Israel to hurry up and nuke itself so Jeebus can come back.

So she called AOC “crazy eyes?” Has she looked in a mirror lately? She looks like she skinned her victim and wears their face as a mask.

Earlier this afternoon I couldn’t find a piece of paper I had set down so I totally get it.

Can someone explain to me the weird homoerotic fixation these people have with Trump? They always have all these pictures of a Photoshopped shirtless Trump.