Ivan's bloody nipple

Last 5000 years of human history for one...

...and ethnicity is not identity.

NATO being a military alliance, has unlike the EU very little to do with the refugees. Furthermore, if I’m not mistaken, NATO has not imposed sanctions on Russia, EU members of NATO and the US have done that separately, but Turkey does not participate in those sanctions. Though Russia did impose it’s own sanctions on

Yeah, that’s Belarus.

“Why don’t they wear  Gucci?”

Srebrenica is a good teaching example of how safe zones are not supposed to work. The Dutch soldiers in the area had first disarmed the civilians, promised them a refuge, allowed separation of men and boys, and then watched and sat on their hands as they were being slaughtered... Later Dutch courts have found their

You’d be wrong. Hate doesn’t get to become genocide, when they don’t get political power.

It’s not just wrong, it’s stupidly counter-productive, when you start punching your political opponents you make violence a part of political discourse, giving whichever side is more prone to and adept at violence an advantage... who do you think that is?

They are not doing any damn scientific inquiry though, from the article: “we are environmentally minded tourists who wanted to march and be part of the global movement.”

Adulting pro tip: If your girlfriend is screaming at you to slow down, and you don’t, even if you manage to save it, she’s unlikely to be quite as impressed with you as you are.

Acknowledging heritage and a vague sense of collective responsibility does not translate to an individual. A lot of people in the comments have drawn allusions to shooting down of a Malaysian plane... as if the victims here had anything to do with it, well beyond sharing a culture, I guess.

People are operating on the jingoistic principle that people on the plane had it coming because their government did bad things.

Naturally, it’s a “pro-Russian” point of view now, that’s the only explanation. This is really... Sad! that you can’t entertain a third option.

Maybe I’m taking about foreign radio stations financed by US congress.

Isn’t blind jingoism delightful?

Most people, in most places would consider deadly force to be justified only when the person is an imminent threat to other people, not glass doors. This guy was trying to evade the police, not run anybody over... That’s no a reason to start blasting away in the middle of an airport.

Don’t hold your breath for all the rest, but this was indeed Syria’s best chance of remaining secular-ish.

It’s a magical moment when two car salesmen meet, their eyes locking across the room... before they approach and proceed to come up with new and increasingly petty ways of trying to screw one another.

Ahh, Americans, the elections didn’t go your way, so let’s just call it quits and take the rest of the planet with you...

Damn, these assholes are now going to ruin waistcoats for everyone, aren’t they?