Ivan's bloody nipple

Head of ATF, she’d be perfect.

So, since you know all these things, why is it so hard to acknowledge that maybe the rebel groups who have no qualms working together with Al-Nusra and other bands of murderous psychopaths, that rebels who can tolerate their brothers in arms beheading children, maybe, just maybe those rebels aren’t moderate after all?

Don’t worry cruelty afficionados, it’ll still be built by slaves.

Bloody civil wars are not known for encouraging a lot of moderation. They may have been moderate once, but now Free Syrian army has a policy of working with Al-Nusra to oppose the government, you may know Al-Nusra better by their other name; Al-queda in Syria.

I dunno, I think the end might come shortly, Aleppo had been the rebel’s most significant stronghold, and since after the election they’re unlikely to gain additional US support... I don’t see what the rebels would hope to gain with continuing the hostilities, time to go into exile/ask for political asylum.

Can’t both be true?

A bloody end to a bloody civil war, it may not be worse than its continuation, though they usually are.

The burden of proof is on the ones making a claim, they never provided an example, not six hours after the facts and still not after six years! If you believe her actions harmed people the only thing you have to go on, is the sense that the good, honorable people of the US government (the very same ones who were

For instance?

So we’re supposed to assume to assume people have been harmed based not on any evidence but a hunch? I should think, if that were indeed the case, it would be in the interest of the US government to publicize it in order to further discredit Manning and prove their point by providing an example.

She leaked a video showing US troops gunning down a dozen Iraqi civilians in cold blood, no one was ever punished for that and never will be. But bringing it to light gets you 35 years. I think that illustrates American priorities quite effectively... even comments on this site, I wish I had found surprising.

I’m glad I didn’t.

There’s plenty of journalists with an agenda and an admitted point of view, from Fox News all the way to Jezebel... The information Wikileaks had published, has been for the most part pertinent and important to the public (With, in my opinion, the exception of some Podesta and Colin Powell stuff, which we probably

What do you call someone who routinely exposes malfeasance of governments?

“Assange is a state-sponsored tool for destabilizing democracy, which makes him more similar to terrorists than politicians.”

Yeah CIA, go commit political murder... in order to prevent the world from sliding into fascism. ‘Cause that would be terrible.

If we ever had to rely on Merkel to ophold liberal and democratic values, we’re all long past screwed anyway... It’s quite illuminating how many people would rather not know how their governments are lying to them, than tarnish their political heroes.

Yes, I think it matters, some things more than others though.

How? Unless US and Russia were to put aside this latest round in a geopolitical chess game going on since 1917, unless there is a massive disarmanent effort in the Middle east, unless petro-islam monarchies of the Gulf were to stop spending billions on encourging religious zealotry and unless several other extremely