On the contrary, Morgan know all about nail technology
On the contrary, Morgan know all about nail technology
Thanks, I was reading this and thinking “no he did not beat his teammate.” Then it hit me there was a “race” this year. That race was the Mazepin of races.
Wow, I’m humbled that my E90 suggestion got picked - and out of the greys too :) Any chance someone could approve me so I’m not grey anymore?
You’re absolutely correct. Hyundai is doing what you are suggesting in Switzerland.
As always, where the hydrogen is actually coming from fails to be mentioned. Hydrogen well-to-wheel efficiency is very poor compared to BEV. Around 1/3 the efficiency.
The way they locate unexploded bombs in London is pretty cool, you can see the path of the bombers and rate of drops by what buildings were destroyed. If one wasn’t destroyed they can be pretty sure it was a dud. I saw a documentary on this because so many rich Londoners are building underground pools and they have…
In my opinion, the Polish should have called in a British bomb squad to deal with it. Their country left a goddamn bomb down there, and let’s be honest, this could’ve been one of the easier messes on the docket for the former empire to clean up.
Great, we’ve got a bot for Big Tweel posting here now.
Speaking of “self involved wankery,” I always resent the way the“Outlander” writer’s room and directors never overlook a chance to draw attention to themselves. Case in point, putting their names in the silent movie credits in this episode. It was particularly odious in episode 6 season 3, in which Jamie and Claire reu…
Sure. The framing of US imperialism rests on the rhetorical assumption, implicit and explicit, that the US is a positive actor on the world stage: one that safeguards freedom, democracy, and human rights while using its influence more responsibly than any other major power in history. Sure, while we sometimes make…
This is the clearest example that the AV Club needs a new reviewer for The Simpsons. Dennis needs to move on, because he clearly can’t be objective. This was one of the best episodes in years. Throughout the review there are instances where he points out the positives of the episode: unified A-story, interesting…
Lots of agree. Though just because the Netflix shows are over (and who else learned this fact from this review?) doesn’t mean the humans who made them will be disintegrated by Thanos. There will be lots more where this came from. And I hope to see JJ again somehow, because this ending actually sets up an episodic…
If my grandfather had been died seventeen years before I was born and was almost universally regarded as a terrible person, I doubt I’d be defending him on the internet. But I’m not an idiot. Or a fascist.
And I’m here like, good to see nepotism is still so strong in the world. /s
Any mention of the Yugo here must prompt a recommendation to watch Drowning Mona. Film is set in a town which seemingly has no cars other than Yugos-even the cop car, iirc. Fun for car nerds.
My liberal American friends tell me the war in Yemen was initially conducted in a humane fashion with great care to avoid civilian suffering, but that all changed the moment President Obama left office. Then — and only then — did the Saudi monarch cry havoc and let slip his rabid dogs of war. President Hillary…
Robot brothel sounds much better than calling it sex-toy rental store.
I hate to be this blunt, but I have never liked your reviews. Oh golly, Ian is suddenly into Native Americans and you’re annoyed that we haven’t seen any onscreen yet. As if there aren’t 11 more episodes in this season where that might reasonably happen.
“Ils sont fous ces gaulois”