
Almost made it.

You know what would really stop the thefts? Remote detonation...

This is a good point. The fact that both parties screwed up on this program means everyone is to blame, so criticizing it is never an option. It makes me sick to think how much advancement NASA could have made for things that would benefit the whole world if only 1/20th of that money was funneled to them instead.

Haha I'm not one to stereotype, but I can confidently say that 90% of kids with the top model Super Soakers growing up had parents going through divorce, the other 10% were insanely wealthy.

omg I'm having PTSD from memories of screwing in the XP series bottles

I had one of those it was awesome. I use to use it in the pool without the backpack. Drop the back end into water and start pumping. Infinite water source.

This. When this one first came out it was the end-all be-all of water gun fights. The Heavy Trooper of the Water Death Squad. Woe to the boy that turned a corner with his lowly SS50 only to stare at a certain soak-ed doom in the face.

The SS 50 will always have a special place in my heart, but the day I showed up to a water war with the SS 200 was the day I was a god.

And that's how you make the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs...

If you dont get the queso on the Qdoba burrito you are doing it so so wrong.

Look, the world's largest dead pigeon trap.

Now if only we could get 21st century railway network like other civilized countries to go along with these stations.

Nice. I've always loved Monet's paintings of the Saint Lazare train station. For provincial people who lived on farms working every day in mud and manure, this must have seemed to them like a star ship port would to us.

In a "so bad it's good" way? Probably not, guessing from your phrasing. Is it a cinematic masterpiece? Absolutely not. Is it one of the greatest examples of pulp sci-fi ever put to the silver screen? I'd like to think so. Am I just posting questions so that I can answer them for no particular reason? Ostensibly.

And so it begins

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Hey guys, my father's been a practitioner of a chinese form of chiropractory and has pretty good results with treating migraine. I got him to do a simple video to help relieve and if done often, reduce the chances and severity of a relapse. Hope it'll be useful for you all.

We all know that Scar is the best Disney villain ever. Why? BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED. He said he was going to kill Mufasa and become King. He did that. End of Story. Yes he lost the throne eventually but his original plan still succeeded.