
Hyundai Fails to Dodge Ram.

Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.

I died a little bit inside when the music stopped and she just looked directly into the camera - real life is the most disturbing O.O

What was especially impressive about Bush's pitch was that he threw it with some real zip on it and from the rubber. Bad president or not, that was an awesome first pitch for the commander in chief to throw in October 2001.

#6. The previous owner masturbated all over the seats

Anything above a whisper in my house after the three year old goes to bed is treated like a bomb going off.

Very different without the stabby stabby and sexy sexy.

I don't wanna get on anyone nerves here, but I get kinda pissed off with people saying this is crap because it doesn't accurately translate the text.

I can not believe the USAF are thinking of retiring this aircraft. Having seen how effective it is, up close and personal, while serving with the British military in Afghanistan. As the author states, it would be hugely effective against small boats, as favoured by the Iranian navy. I've spoken to some people on

Yeah, good point. The phrase does make me cringe a bit, too, and I'm also terrible at negotiating. I'd probably end up saying, "you'll have to do better than that...if you can. If not, no big deal. Sorry for even bringing it up."

This was my experience negotiating for a car. IMO, the best approach would be to negotiate step-by-step, be firm and ready to walk away without the car.

Hey Wes