
Looks like Barnacle from Half-Life series!

I'm betting they just had this big fucker carry them.

I don't follow the NBA much so don't see this crew too often, but I'm fairly convinced, particularly when compared to the studio shows of just about every other network/sport, that this one is the best, and anyone who hates it is just a cynic who doesn't like fun things or really anything in general.

LOL @ depicting hands in the shape of a ball for a sport where you can't use your hands.

No Prius has ever graced my garage, but plenty of Jeeps have leaked plenty of oil past their rear main seals onto my driveway. So who the fuck are you referring to as a "green leftie jackass" slash "spoiled brat", exactly?

I knew it would be down here and yet I looked anyway.

No Game Of Thrones? Then we must continue PAYING THE IRON PRICE!

Thanks Comcast.

Congratulations! With this comment, you have officially claimed the title of "Lamest Motherfucker on the Internet." Please send your address to, so that we may send you your prize: a JanSport backpack full of dicks.

Thats it. The rebels are there. Set your course for the Hoth system.

Aereo doesn't let you do anything you can't do with a TiVO and an antenna. The only difference is you don't have to store all that data yourself, you're paying somebody else to store it for you.

Fatty is angry.

I kinda hope this movie is bad as an excuse to use this gif:

Angle butt. Not a fan. The mustang should have a flat rear. Saleen got it right back in the aughts.

crooked vagina, anus, a row of dicks.