
Hey did you bother to read the rest of our conversation? Stop beating a dead horse. Clearly it’s not as well known as you’d like to think like when quite a few people starred my comment. Your comments have already mentioned several times.

Okay that’s correct. I’m an asshole. I’ve made a pretty bad argument, but the point I was originally trying to make is that addressing where the energy comes from is just as important as the types of vehicles we choose when it comes to limiting pollution.

Like I pointed out in the first link, per MWh, they are indeed the cheapest.

If electricity generation is already responsible for a greater share of pollution than current transportation emissions (even without the widespread, or even minimal use of EVs), plugging in EVs to the grid will transfer the energy demand to these plants and cause a greater problem, if both efficiency in vehicles and p

Power plants in the US account for more pollution and greenhouse gases than transportation in the US. Although I have conceded EVs are generally more environmentally friendly than the average gas vehicle, with power production factored in.

Yes, but the power plants have to change. Currently they produce more greenhouse gases and pollutants than transportation, in the US.

Yes, I’ve already said my claim was overstated. However, you are incorrect about power plant cost, as coal is still the cheapest to build and operate per MWh. And that makes more of a difference than vehicle choice because current electricy production in the US produces more greenhouse gases than transportation.

This is my main point. Only addressing one side of emissions (with EVs) is not looking at the full picture. Especially when those plants are actually responsible for more emissions, as a whole, than vehicles each year. Sometimes EV fans have their heads up their ass. I like EVs and think they are the future of the

You realize that as a whole, power plants pollute more than vehicles in the US, right? And the EPA dealing with both vehicle and power plant emissions is important?

Actually, you’re wrong there. Power plants are currently responsible for more greenhouse gases than vehicles.

Correction, a NY Times article sweeps your opinion away, unless that opinion is backed up by other, equally researched opinions, which you did not initially include.

Just try and avoid the double-negative. Also, using “I doubt” isn’t really good practice when debating a topic. Maybe try backing it up with something more substantial.

That’s excellent. I’ve heard a lot of good things about their strategies. I think the problem is, that in the US at least, every cause gets pigeon holed into liberal or conservative and it makes it more difficult for people to understand the issue because they stop there. Hopefully that will change when it comes to

Why is this concept going over so many people’s heads?

“I doubt that electric companies aren’t more efficient than a bunch of internal combustion engines that produce more heat than anything else.”

Sure that’s easy to say, but how long that takes is not easy to determine. The political climate in the more conservative states would need to change in order to usher in more renawbles. I was part of the fight to keep the last coal fire plant out of Arkansas only a few years ago. A lot of states are in similar

Okay, I cited a NY Times article, you brought in your opinion that the evidence they provide has been “refuted”. Care to elaborate by using an actual article with such a position?

Also, electric vehicles are only as “green” as the power plants that produce the electricity. For a good portion of the U.S., most plants make traditional fuel efficient vehicles more “green” than electric. That’s not to say it couldn’t be changed, but the reality is that a lot of more conservative minded states don’t

When I first saw the headline and picture, I thought it was saying something about Luke and his foster parents on Tatooine.
