
BIGGEREST SWERVE: The power couple Rory and Paris are planning their wedding now that it’s legal and that’s why everyone is back in town.

This is so not how I remember it. She had a permed mullet and a cocktail dress the first time she appeared on the news in this case, touring OJs house. She wouldn’t have had time for a makeover. Then, she got the short haircut and fresh perm, probably in order to look better for the trial. It wasn’t a dramatic change

Paulson (hopefully) finally won her Emmy last night. Watching Marcia strut into the courthouse all confident and feeling pretty, then slowly crumbling as everyone mocks her, was HEARTBREAKING.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

One of the biggest and most valid issues that people have with progressive liberalism in 2016 is there is absolutely no fucking margin of error ever. Ever. If you say one thing that can be construed as offensive (by people who spend all of their time parsing through each word and inflection of everything everyone says

Yeah, after this correction, where it seems like Meryl is not saying “white people count as diversity” (which is ludicrous) but “I can relate to films from other cultures because we share a common humanity,” (which is utterly uncontroversial) the people who need redemption (which still seems like a strong word) are

I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

Maybe they’re trying to make a point to others? I imagine quite a few dumbasses straight up ignore those notices.

Is Donald Trump actually Biff from back to the future?

I know just the guy you need for this job.

I broke my leg and ankle a few years ago (so I was in my late 20s). And my sister would lift up my cast-leg and play bang on the bottom to see if I was hiding gold coins in there like from Robin Hood.

No love for the Leftovers? That show was fucking boss this year.

Where is the Leftovers!!??


Hey everyone is distracted by yet another mass shooting, let’s defund PP!

I look terrible in pastels. Oxblood forever.

This thread is so weird. Let’s pretend its performance art.

I’d want a T-shirt that said “I was pregnant and all I got was this baby"

One of my cousins just had a baby they were worried wouldn’t survive his birth because of his heart. He was just delivered two weeks ago. So far, my cousin’s baby is doing okay and made it through two heart surgeries. This post just reminded me of that. Some people are lucky if they get a healthy baby.