
Sometimes I want real Mexican, sometimes I want Chipotle. I don’t pretend there’s any crossover between the two.

No, because they will then lose their fear of snakes and likely die in the wild thinking “oh, that’s just a salad ingredient” or form unnatural bonds with the snakes and you’ll end up with catsnake babies slithering all over your yard.

I'm shattered. This is the only place I'm out of the greys

The Internet.

They held out as long as they could for the Hotpockets, the Totinos and the Sunny Ds

Worth it for more of this....

I guess they doubted her commitment to straightening lotion.

This makes a surprising amount of sense to me. They’re both cool as hell.

You're right, she probably doesn't. My younger sister claims not to fart, lol, which annoys the farts out of me.

be careful of coconut oil, it’s very comedogenic so those that are acne prone tend to have bad experiences with it, other swear by it though.

I mean, for the majority of cancers, there’s no easy/routine test. Almost all cancers need something better but, relatively speaking, breast cancer detection has one of the better screens.

honestly its the most straightforward platform of any presidential candidate with regards to avoiding mass shootings

Also, my mom went to high school with Tom Hanks and her yearbook is full of gawky baby Hanks and it has endeared him to me forever.

1. Lauren takes a nice pic.

Nothing. Shit happens.

100% Charles’ son

They should replace his actual picture with this and also not use his name.

I did a lot of research on planes for something I was writing, and interviewed/read first person accounts from flight attendants.

In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.