
Did you at least wear it? I have things I’ve bought that I haven’t even worn.

So no personal family lore that you just accepted at face value?

Nah, it goes to show that people are more willing to look at the entire person if they’re inclined to like him or her, so you’re not condemning someone who is otherwise doing good based on one or a few errors. If we were to demonize anyone who made bad calls or behaved incorrectly even once, then there’d be no one

I’d like to believe that Lea Michele’s character is an homage.

Not sure Lea Michele and Emma Roberts are capable of loving anyone else but themselves.

Stephen Baldwin owes $90k in back taxes, and I’ll never understand why celebrities don’t pay their taxes (or hire better accountants).

Is Garden State a great film? No. But it’s not a bad one either. The soundtrack was great, though (Disclosure: A friend of mine has a song on the soundtrack so I may not be impartial).

we get it, you're very cool

Yes! Bowls should be the standard dish, not plates.

But whether or not she wants kids, and whether or not it’s a valid point - do you really think she doesn’t know that her fertility decreases with age? 99.9% of women making these comments aren’t concerned, they just want to taunt someone by telling them they might get ‘punished’ for their choices.

I am so over this hideous human being.

Maybe she needs it for her own healing. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting what he did or liking him.

But not produced under controlled conditions that assure a consistent dose. Phillip Seymour Hoffman did not need to die.

I had two friends in their mid thirties who SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER(did countless episodes of behind the music teach us all nothing??) who started talking a few years back about how they were going to try it because they held their recreational drugs well and it was going to be mind expanding and all the other

The concept that all opiate users are the street level, poor, unemployed junkie is not accurate at all. Most opiate addicts are employed and moderate to highly successful. Heroin (the cheapest form of opiates) is still an extremely expensive habit to have.

yep, I just meant that oxy is cheaper for most people as long as the doctor is prescribing it and insurance is covering it. Once the doctor stops prescribing it, oxy is WAY more expensive, so these ‘created’ junkies turn to heroin.

It doesn’t matter how well-functioning those folks were. I’ve met fully functional alcoholics, heroin addicts, coke users... Guess what? All of them were chemically dependent on a drug to get through their day. Without their drug of choice, they would start to go through withdrawal and get violently ill. It doesn’t

I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the