
Everyone knows a homosexual, most people simply don’t know any trans individuals at all.

I would say that cool pope is fairly representative of his generation on this issue. My parents are around the same age and they and their friends are generally liberal and progressive except where trans rights are concerned. I think, like gay marriage, most people will come around eventually on trans rights.

Yeah, I just started skimming after that because no.

I’m sure she fashions herself a martyr. The ‘thank you’ was probably some hubristic, thank-you-for-the-privilege-of-suffering-for-Jeebus type thing. She's a hero in her own mind.

If I was famous, I would be so irritating to interviewers. Any question which I felt uncomfortable answering, I’d just say “I don’t think I know enough about the subject to give you an informed answer.” And I say that to bunches of questions. I’d be known as the most uninformed celebrity out there.

A quick primer:

I really enjoy how the end of the quote is “you look shocked.”

I hope it works, because the only thing I remembered about it as I was passively listening was the phrase ‘pupparatzi.’ But good on ‘em.

They were discussed at length. One of the women profiled read a letter from her abuser. Another woman’s abuser (her father) was shown in childhood photos. Cheryl Burke, who was the celebrity survivor, did not mention her abuser’s name.

Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.

Ugh the entitlement of the Twitter account above asking for better guests. Ugh. Like, you’re going to a Taylor Swift show already. That’s the thing you’re going to. It’s so bratty to demand that the incredible, expensive show you’re attending “be better” for you. Daddy I want a pony. Daddy make the pony do a trick.

You would think instead of tweeting their ignorance they would just, you know, look her up on wikipedia or something...Hey kids: those shiny devices are also computers!

Love how kids think ignorance is cool. It’s not. Cool people are aware of big musical influences from previous decades.

So creepy. So adorable.

OMG how are you even an adult and don’t know about sheep.

so that I can seek out potential pussy options

Just because Cosby is a black man in America, a country rife with lynching stories, doesn’t mean that this is one of them.

I find myself remembering the ad more than the product in those cases.

I’m almost positive I saw an Asian woman in an overhead shot.

Greek life bullshit needs to die.