
I’m quietly and patiently waiting for the Taylor Swift backlash to begin. I am so irritated by everything she does and I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because she has a touch of that everything-must-be-perfect-at-all-times/ “NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!” vibe to her.

I get why Taylor Swift benefits from having Julia Roberts and Joan Baez join her #squad for an evening, but I can’t figure out what Julia and Joan get out of it.

Does it really solve the problem if we take the life of this tumor? Let's not compound a tragedy, the tumor stays. I'm not pretending this is easy.

is this satire

Something tells me Aran is going to do just fine without this internship. Actually, Facebook probably would have just held him back from his true potential.

Remember the Sears catalogues from that era? The colors were primary for kids and styles were pretty much interchangable for genders. When did we regress so much as a nation that “Juicy” needed to be written on the asses of 8 year old girls and all clothing is either pink or purple with rhinestones? Fuck.

I never get tired of seeing it!

I looked at the mug shot and thought to myself if there was ever going to be a new season of “Party Down”, there has to be an episode where Kyle gets the opportunity to play this guy in a Lifetime movie.

I wont have my son catching the gay from a pink cardboard box i tell you what

Cannot process nuance!

Somehow the most horrifying thing here is that a 30 year old man told his mother to go to the store to get him a sandwich and a soda - AND SHE DID IT.

When he was arrested, Gilbert reportedly ate two slices of pizza, an Egg McMuffin, an apple and a sandwich, and bragged to cops that he maintained his figure with “a lot of diet and exercise.”

I miss Williams too, but I say we celebrate his wonderful work every chance we get! That movie was an instant classic, and it deserves to be regarded and referred to as such.

I think she’s the human embodiment of a selfie stick.

Oh Lena, that’s a bad thing, dear.

No, the one good thing about waist trainers was realizing my 9 year old has been listening to me when a commercial came on for them during Little House On The Prairie. Her exact quote was, “I bet there isn’t something like this for men.”

“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing...”

I just. . . I just have a hard time believing that Jay-Z actually cares that much about Taylor Swift, and by extension, whether or not Kanye West and she are friends.

Pretty sure they wouldn’t waste money on the plastic back if it was non-essential.