
But he argued that scientific advancements have now verified that unborn babies are human beings — information he said wasn’t necessarily available when the Supreme Court issued its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

I’m doxxing myself a little but Y’ALL I totally know this guy. We were neighbors growing up (I knew his sister better than him though). He was always crazy conservative, which for Davis is very odd. I never really expected this, though.

That would be H2O2.

I disagree. I think this is the best thing ever. She knew Cosby personally and it’s hard when you think you know someone to assume that other people talking about him is truth.

this is haunting.

I must be so naive, because when you first said “his friend ended up taking her home” I thought you mean took her to her house so she could sleep it off, not took advantage of her himself. Because surely the majority of guys would see what was wrong and do the right thing in that kind of situation.

Good lord, this is the nicest comment section I have ever seen! I had to make an account just to say that. You are all really kind, who wouldn’t want a response like that? Lovely, thank you. I think maybe it’s weird to comment under your own interview but I’m doin’ it anyway.

Here’s the thing: if you’re so Christian that you simply can’t do your job that requires issuing gay marriage licenses/ distributing the morning after pill/ etc. . . quit your job. Find a job that isn’t in conflict with your archaic belief system.

As someone who will use the men’s bathroom when the line for the women’s is too long I can say with certainty that public facilities for either sex are pretty much equally disgusting. Let’s do away with bathroom gender an focus on a public campaign to shame people who pee all over the seat.

Here you go:

The phrase “vaginal crease" is more awkward than that cake will ever be.

I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.

Oh, hell no. He doesn’t deserve happiness. You AIR THIS SHIT OUT to the wife’s family by any means necessary, as quickly as possible. Annulments are easier than divorces.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I’m with you! All the way!

when I rewatched I couldn’t believe how much I loathed Dean... like I wanted him to go away and never ever ever come back. Why couldn’t he just stay married to that chick and be a good husband to her and just become a Stars Hollow extra?

I hear her voice when I read this, and I bet all other Gilmore watchers do too!