
While I support these efforts, I also kinda want someone to address the elephant in the room: Now that we’ve beginning to acknowledge that excessively expensive college education is strangling the economy and hampering the prospects of graduates who are deep in college debt, and have begun to make tentative steps to

The reason I like Stan and Peggy together is that, unlike Mark (remember him?) and Abe, he loves he for who she is and not who he thinks she should be. The woman he knows and loves is the “work Peggy”, the REAL Peggy. He won’t hold her back because he understands how important her work is to her. I thought it was

thank you. you articulated exactly my feelings. I don’t get people being upset that Peggy and Stan got together or that she and Joan didn’t team up. by expecting anyone to represent feminism in the exact way we would like them to - that therein is one of the big problems of feminism these days. we want our characters

The two women have very different history with respect to their career ambitions. Joan is wealthier, has fewer conventional options, and is further along in her career than Peggy. I could see Peggy branching out on her own in a decade or two, but at the moment, she’s getting what she wants by mostly following the

I agree. I think she rejected Joan’s offer because it wasn’t right for her and what she does. She’s an ad executive and while working with Joan would be cool, it actually isn’t where Peggy’s heart is, workwise. I also liked that they were so happy to see each other and I’m sure Peggy’s going to be feeding Joan work

I was actually very happy with Peggy and Joan’s final stories. The characters are foils for each other. Joan has historically relied on her looks or on the men in her life in order to get ahead, and here in the finale, she says goodbye to a perfect man offering her anything in order to forge a new career path alone,

I didn’t think Peggy rejected Joan’s offer because of Stan. I think she rejected the offer because, yes, she would have been a partner, but she would have been working on internal corporate videos. When Joan floated the offer, I was like: hell, no! Peggy has a much bigger creative vision and would have been selling

I really don’t think Sally hates Don. He might think she does, but I don’t think she actually does. She just sees him as a flawed person, and she’s also angry and sad and scared.

That male gaze double standard makes me want to chew my own fingers off in frustration. Of course she cares about how she looks. I love Taylor Swift but you’d have to be an idiot to not see how carefully she chooses what she wears or how she looks even if she’s just skipping out to the Duane Reade. Saying she’s hot

Yes. The idea of putting H&M foundation on my problem skin fills me with fear.

their couple name would be mandonna obvi

Definitely Martha. Taylor Swift’s text is exactly what I’d expect, while Martha’s has all the tech savvy and charming randomness of your great aunt Hilda.

you’d think for multi platinum lyricists we’d do better

Apparently they are supposed to make your mouth look more anus-like.

The Sims: Boring People

I’m just confused by Cookie Monster pulling that lighter out of his ass.

Baked potato and a breadstick is an appropriate snack.

But God forbid we have ‘unhealthy’ peanut butter to go along with our starchy potatoes and bread!