
So I don’t particularly like the police as an institution, but intentionally getting bodily fluids on a cop (or regular folk, for that matter) is often considered assault. And I also can’t tell what’s going on this video. I’m not saying she wasn’t injured or that she deserved to be hit in the face, but it also seems

Vin Diesel is a real nerd. That is, he's such a nerd that he never felt like he needed to publicly identify as such to make himself seem more relatable.

Well... of course they are. Acting is a truly nerdy pursuit. I wouldn’t expect anyone who is super socially-adjusted to play make-believe for a living (occasionally in a plastic suit of armor or reacting all day to a blank green screen).

“That guy was an ASSHOLE, and that night could have EASILY ended in date rape.”

“I want to continue hanging out with him and taking it slow, but I don’t think I’ll be ready next week.”

I’ve done this, too, and when I looked at it from his point of view (later, obviously, when I wasn’t so self-absorbed due to grief - just a bad break-up in my case, sorry for your loss!), I felt like such an ass. Well, because I had been. But it was really hard to get outside my head and see it at the time.

I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think he overreacted at all. You clearly weren’t intentionally leading him on or anything, but you must have confused the hell out of him. First you want to fuck him, then you don’t, then you really want to fuck him and ask him to go out to buy condoms, and then you tell him you

You had every right to change your mind, and you did. But your story gave me whiplash, so I can imagine a little how he felt. You both dodged a bullet. Chalk it up to experience.

I am struggling to see how/where he created drama. You might be projecting, because I think he handled being yanked around pretty well. Your behavior was very hot and cold, and when I put myself in his shoes it doesn’t feel good. It sucks to be a rebound to someone who’s using you to work out their own personal shit

Breakups suck. And I hope this doesn’t sound mean, because I’ve definitely been there, but just reading this felt like you’re emotionally all over the place right now. It doesn’t sound like you were ready to be hanging out with this guy at all, let alone having sex.

You’re right. I’ve done it before - didn't mean to do it, didn't even realize I was - but I yanked someone around because *I* wasn't ready. It was shortly after the suicide of my ex. I just didn't realize how messed up I was at the time. To the OP - I am sorry for the loss of your relationship; it sounds painful. Give

I didn’t expect him to be THRILLED but his reaction was way over the top, right?!

i’ve heard this as a dirty joke, not an urban legend, and a highly implausible one at that.

a balloon I can see, but a twinky? also, in my experience as a far sighted person, everything looks gross when you don’t know what it is

As a hypochondriac with pretty severe OCD, this would be my worst nightmare. I’d have to just throw out the kid and get a whole new one.

nooooooo these things are supposed to stay urban legends.

The only thing that should go down the toilet is #1 #2 and tp. If your butt is that messy take a shower or use the garden hose. Wet wipes are just another unnecessary consumer item that eventually end up in landfills...or as fatbergs. Happy Earth Day.