
We didn’t go on honeymoon until we’d been married for 5 years due to massive wedding overspend (complex story involving drink licenses, inventive ways to pretend to sell drinks and a fatally flawed “donations” idea). It was our first time in New York and New Orleans. If you spend all day fucking in these places then

I wish most of congress had resigned when Obama was elected.

We can care about both. And caring about both doesn’t take from the other.

Unfortunately, what it takes to make it through vet school is not the same as common sense/ ability to appropriately interact with the public.

Man. - I have no words. I picked this little gal out on Friday and I already love her. I couldn’t imagine a vet using her free time to harm pets and then come to work and be all compassionate. I hope her student debt is HUGE.

And why would someone who doesn’t love animals choose such a career? There are easier jobs for sociopaths.

My grandfather owned a farm in Mexico. He NEVER killed his dogs. One of his dogs had a terminal disease once and the vet said it was useless and my grandma kept it at home and took care of it until it died. #notallmexicanranchers

I poop on her career.

Please, please tell me by the one stupid, heartless act, this woman’s very expensive education has just become worthless. Maybe there is an 18th Century village nearby looking for a rat-catcher. Given the sociopath she appears to be, the whole office she worked at really needs to be closely examined. I hope she lives

You know, I think about all the student loan debt that she must have from college and veterinary school, and how she’ll never get a job working with animals again, and I laugh and laugh.

I love it when people admonish others for not caring about things like victims of police brutality when they care for animals, as if the two are mutually exclusive. I’m sorry that I have both been at protests in Ferguson AND walk dogs at the local shelter.

It’s good that you’re finally acknowledging the differences between cultures without being condescending about it. I think many people are even more outraged about this situation because the woman is a veterinarian, whose very job description embodies caring for animals. Growing up on a ranch will almost certainly

Also they weren’t veterinarians, they were ranchers. They were doing their job; she’s doing exactly the opposite of hers.

But caring about human life and caring about animal life go hand in hand. Compassion is not something that gets used up. I hear what you are saying that some people care more about animals than they do about people—I’ve met those people too, and while I won’t deny anyone’s racism, I think they’re also very damaged by

Ranchers have reasons to protect their property. This woman was a veterinarian someone who is supposed to save animals, and kill them only if the animal is suffering. Instead she decided to make killing a cat her own personal sport. She didn’t do it to save her practice. She did it for fun. The attitude could well

It’s a bummer that you mistakenly feel like people can only care about one thing at a time AND that you think animals are merely some sort of Cartesian clockwork tool you can dispose of when they are no longer “useful.” I see your smug self-righteousness and raise you an “I think your callous disregard for life is

a.) It is, in fact, possible to care about more than one thing at a time. I am absolutely outraged by police brutality and murder of persons of color. Way more outraged by that than this cat. That doesn’t mean I don’t think it is also fucked up that a vet would hunt stray cats for sport w a bow and arrow and post

Your family farm in Mexico probably didn't have access to methods of humane euthanasia. This woman absolutely, 100% did. Furthermore, the cat she killed was not her property.

This wasn’t a feral cat. It was someone’s pet who had got out and gone missing. She doesn’t even have “shooting dangerous feral animals” as an excuse.

Oh please, this is not the same thing as ranching/farming families. She’s smiling with an animal she killed without reason.