
This situation sucks.

No, it's not just anti-vaxxer kids who get sick. Young infants aren't old enough to get vaccines, and they can catch these diseases and die from them. People who have illnesses or who are on medication that makes them immunocompromised will be likely to catch these illnesses and could suffer complications or die from

In the Xmas Jammies video, the dad raps about his vasectomy.

The stairs video is great because the kids are the stars. It's sentimental because whether you have kids or not, a lot of us remember that feeling of coming downstairs or down the hall on Christmas day. If you do have kids, you realize how quickly that time goes by.

Any rap parody by Weird Al

Weird Al's version of Gangster paradise is an exception I think.

if you don't want to perpetuate the culture why even report on it at all? This simply creates demand and desire to find the pics. I think your tall problem is with jezebel. And this family of networks reports on private matters of celebrities constantly. Don't try and act like it isn't true.

Isn't posting the story here in Jezebel also contributing to the problem? There is a continuum to this violation, and I feel you're treating as a black and white issue. It's not.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

Because no one and nothing is safe, especially sensitive, private, nude photos of some of the most famous women on Earth.

I am short, so I am jammed right in the most extreme of the C. In order to navigate that curve of the headrest I will be pushed so far forward that I can't even sit upright. So there I am with a coat and a sweater and a lumber pillow, origami'ed into a mass and uncomfortably hunched forward. I have to recline the


It's the shape of the seat that necessitates the incline, and the meager incline airline seats allow is hardly "laying down." If airline seats weren't so concave, you wouldn't need to lean back. The human spine was not meat to be a C shape.

Preach. I am 5'4 and do not typically recline my seat, so I don't really have a dog in this fight. But what makes the whole argument so odd for me is that it's almost impossible to make an argument for either side without sounding like a hypocrite, mainly because no matter which side you come down on, it comes down

I don't think getting a sore back and neck is made up. My head is exactly where the seat comes out the most. If I don't recline I have to look down the whole time.

Seriously! I'm a short person, so the neck-rest thingie is at the height of the back of my head and forces me to tilt my head forward for the whole flight unless I recline the seat — it's incredibly uncomfortable and gives me neck and back pain. And at 5'3" I'm actually the average size for an American woman — so it's

I've known a lot of smart people that whole-heartedly believe this and refuse to accept it when I tell them it's completely not true and say exactly what SA describes in that quote. I've found it very annoying since it the science debunking it has been out there for a long time. Hopefully they will get it now that

And with a driver distracted by his cell phone cam. Oy.

I couldn't focus on anything in that video except for the absence of her seatbelt.

I work for a cat circus