
I'm 27 and it didn't bother me at all! I spend way too much time obsessing over how every new musician and actress is younger than me, and how youth is glorified in this culture and old age is invisible (especially for women), and how George Harrison was my age when the Beatles broke up and Keats was two years younger

its not an insult, its a reality of our society. Woman should be young, all made up, skinny, etc.... but man can Rob Ford and he will be ok in a society.

'Nuff said.

I don't know if you've ever pushed your leg against a random man's leg on public transit or just in public in general but it's likely that's going to be interpreted as "asking for" some sort of interaction with the dude. Not desirable.

Exactly—the same way it feels really good for me to take my bra off at the end of the day, but I manage to keep it on in public, even when it's hot and sweaty and uncomfortable, or a tag or corner is poking into me, etc. I simply suspect that a lot of these guys who jump into articles like this roaring about being

My boyfriend is a living bitch-slap to this lie about crushed genitals: He is hung like a whale (and I can compare, because I've been a certifiable slut for eight years) and he sits with his legs crossed all. the. time. He shakes his head when he sees this shit.

Guys. We don't believe you. What we do believe: You've

Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not

Yes, and it is possible to sit normally or even cross your legs without doing any damage to those organs unless there is something seriously wrong with them. Maybe you should see a doctor.

Our reproductive organs are not 2 feet wide. Stop making excuses, and learn how to not sit on your balls idiot.

When people talk about police militarization it's only tangentially related to police racism. Militarization is specifically about the use of military-grade arms—and the fact that the police A) simply have no need to police the citizens of this country as if they were a hostile, well-armed opposition force; and B)

Militarization of the police is a reference to the post 9/11 trend of DHS/DOD selling local PDs MRAPs and other military surplus for below cost. This did begin in 1996 with Section 133 of the NDAA and escalated post 9/11.

Yeah a satire button is too obtuse for the folks it's intended for. They need a "This is not a real article, this was posted to Facebook as a joke. All information contianed within this fake news article is not real therefore your anger and rage at the fake news story is invalid. Therefore if you post an angry reply

"That people love their dogs so much is a sign of how alienated we are from other human beings in our culture."

I have no children, when people talk about their kids I will respond with talk about my pets for one of two reasons 1) I am trying to relate and since I don't have kids dog talk is all I got 2)revenge, bore me with endless stories about your kids and I will bore you with endless stories about my pets.

I have no idea how to contact the jezebel staff (sorry :) but just wanted to say that the first woman in history has won the fields medal (the so called nobel prize in mathematics). cheers!

Obviously he was extraordinarily talented

I like how Slater says, "Wanna say that to my face?" when Screech, in fact, did just say it to his face.

Thank you <3

Anybody who says that adolescence is supposed to be the best time of your life needs to be beaten with knobby clubs. It's bullshit. Adolescence is painful, it's all upheaval, it's scary, it's nobody understanding you, it's not understanding how to parse the world or properly interface with it yet. Your brain is awash