
I don't think people who say that realize what an awful thing it is to say to a kid. If you're unhappy as a teenager, then at best the message you're sending is, "everyone is having the greatest time of their lives right now except you." At worst you're saying "as horrible as it is right now, it will only get worse

I would fully like everyone to stop telling anyone that any specific time of life should be the "best days of your life". I heard that about college, not high school, and felt horrible that those years were pretty meh for me. Being 25, living in my own apartment in a new city with my boyfriend and a cat, these are the

I tutor high school students, and my favorite student once said that to me. I told her point blank that these weren't going to be the best days of her life at all. For some of her peers, that's definitely true, but she's more adventurous and ambitious than most of them. She's funny, bright, well-spoken, and driven.

I think for some people, "fight" means "actively disagree." For others, it means "loudly release big feels." For still others, like my SO and me, it usually means "Talk it out before someone blows up, thus relaxing the issue." If you use that last definition, I can't remember us having a real "fight." If you use the

Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.

Doing something you don't love is difficult. Doing something you do love is easy. Try to make your living doing something you love.

The swans gave fair warning! "Back up. Back UP. I SAID BACK UP MOTHERFUCKER!" *BITE* "They never fuckin' learn."

I like the brand name.

I hope she fell out of that tree trying to get down.

Oh Hilaria...


Everyone needs Kim K skills.

The way this letter reads, I was sure it was going to ask her to tie an onion to her belt (which was the style at the time).

Bad women can kick ass. Also she has voiced Leila on Futurama for years who (although a cartoon cyclops) is the very definition of a kick ass woman.

Completely understandable. Didn't mean to come off as snarky.

This comment needs a gif for me to understand it

This is what happens when you try to get free shit from sleazy people.

Ah, the many many ways the wedding-industrial complex has found to separate people from their money.

Eye docs should show the eyeball equivalent of The Book of British Smiles.