
I haven't checked my Facebook in 3 months already... and I think it was probably a 3-month interval before that... I'm so lame about the social shit.

I don't think "cross-species transmission" means that humans had sex with chimps. It probably means humans killed them and butchered them and that there was blood transfer and therefore viral transfers.

So, how about that time that my dog saved my kid's life? Or that other time when the same dog stopped a home invasion?

Want to know why nobody is answering your question? Because it's one gigantic ball of logical fallacy. You're pitting 'think of the poor defenseless children!!!' against a skewed representation of dogs as killers. From a comprehension standpoint, I see the following fallacies:

I don't think there's anything wrong with saying pit bull attack when it was pit bulls. They are just reporting the facts. It's the commenters that are making it about what kind of dog attacked her when the real story here is how she was treated.

I work with abused and neglected animals of all kinds. There are many, many people in this country who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a companion animal. This article goes into why banning a specific breed isn't the answer - it's not anecdotal and not based on specific love or hatred of a certain breed, just

I mostly agree with you, but I would point out that your statistic indicating that pits "have the worst record of any kind" is incredibly misleading. First, many breeds are mis-identified as pit bulls. These include, but are not limited to, American Bulldogs, Boxers, Presa Canarios, Dogo Argentinos, and in some cases

Yes, let's ban cars, too. Too many drivers don't care if people get hurt.

I've seen this behavior in labs too "the friendly family dog breed." I'm a pediatrician and I stitch up kids from dog bites all the time - let me tell you, ERs aren't full of pit bull attacks - its all over the board. DOGS that aren't raised and trained and socialized properly will do this.

It does absolutely account for it. You just mussed the point.

It's really sort of a mirror to, say, guns.

Adam Levine — the tribal arm band tattoo that successfully wished his way into becoming a full human man

This makes me sad. In some religions it is a 'truth' that animals have souls. And personally, I know that to be true. Caring for abused and abandoned animals is God's work.

I think people are missing what he meant because this is a transcription of a homily, so you don't get his inflection, which was probably important. My guess is that his inflection changed to make clear that everything starting with "It's better" was a quote from those terrible anti-child people leading us all

I said this in another reply as well, but I think people are missing what he meant because this is a transcription of a homily, so you don't get his inflection, which was probably important. My guess is that his inflection changed to make clear that everything starting with "It's better" was a quote from those

No, he means having children is better than going on holidays, having a house in the country, etc.

I think it's confusing when written out, but since it was part of his homily, my guess is that his inflection changed to make clear that everything starting with "It's better" was a quote from those terrible anti-child people leading us all down the path to hell and country homes. I imagine it was intended (and

Cue lots of people surprised to discover the Pope is, in fact, Catholic.

Yeah, he's saying that holidays and country houses might not be possible with kids, but that having kids is more fulfilling than these fripperies.