
Aw man, now I have very conflicted feelings about Dr. Pepper

This comment is time displaced.

I don't believe you're sorry at all.

Oh thank god. Chris Berman needs work!

Great article. But no mention of “Spin the Choice”? Talk about producers manipulating the results. The “spinner” was just Peggy’s arm! 

David Puddy for sure. Probably Newman.

I get that being asked to play your one big hit song over and over is annoying, but once you name your band 'Soul Asylum' anything after that is justifiable penance.

I scanned through the comments mostly just to make sure somebody stuck up for The Outsider. It wasn’t bad. Is that high praise? No. But saying it was one of the worst movies of the year is silly. 

Anybody know what Tom Hanks was up to this weekend?

Blink one eight two sounds like an old timey phone number. “If you need some pop punk, here’s what you do/pick up that phone, call blink one eight two"

Whoa whoa whoa...lets not be hasty and say something we can't take back. Surely SOME offense should be directed at his mom, yes?

Good list. Needs more Modest Mouse.

I think Paul Rudd just signed to do a live action Steamboat Willie. He plays the steamboat.


What exactly is premium internet porn anyway? Is it like premium gasoline? Have I been masturbating at a low octane rating this whole time?

You’ve been spreading lies around
You’ve been tryin’ to put me down
Well, I went to the party, that much is true
But what you said I did, I didn’t do

I didn’t puke
I didn’t puke
I didn’t puke
Now, I didn’t puke

My name is OZY Fest, King of shows;

Nah, you’re the only one doing it right.

They have an award for best ‘top’? I gotta start paying more attention to these things.

Well, she is like a cat in the dark and then