
I read this book, it was....okay? I could see it being a better movie in the right hands. 

The third-best Weezer album is actually Return of the Rentals. 

They are pretty cool. I wonder if Hope worked on the nipples? That’s some top-shelf stonemasonry right there.

I call the big one bitey.

”Luv rises from the ash like the butterfly.”

I’d add butterflies to the list of things the workings of they don’t understand.

Yeah the last straw was when he tried to cut the line at the hotel bar yelling “house beer!”

Maybe it's the nostalgia talking but the Noid video game for the NES was actually pretty good. 

Lot of big reveals in this episode, but none so shocking as this one from the article itself: that's how you pronounce Siobhan? 

I dont remember my Constitutional Law as well as I should, but i think deadly force is considered allowable if its used to prevent a 2nd degree ruckus or worse.

Yeah, having read & liked the book, kinda disappointed to hear the movie may not be so great. Although, thinking about it, it might be hard to adapt. Dowd’s point is right, there’s not so much that’s revelatory in the book. A lot hinges on the protagonist and your connection to him. He’s got some self-awareness that

Jon Kitna shout out. Did not see that coming. I guess journeyman quarterback keeps you humble.

This article has little, if anything, to do with a disobedient whale.

*Righteous Gemstones

I guess the world will have to wait a few more years for my debut novel "Sherlock Holmes but he's, like, Emo" 

Andrew W.K.'s "Ready to Die" would be a good addition to this list. 

You’re not giving away our Waterpik!

SR 71
Blackbird from the hell above
She’s the only one
Only spy I ever loved

I hope their family reunion T-Shirts say “Mostly Madrigals”

It’s compulsory that you be my Valentine.