Sola Balisane

Tillerson is not the Secretary of State to look after the US’ interests. Tillerson is the Secretary of State to look after ExxonMobil’s interests and the sooner we all accept that, the sooner we can start trying to work around that limitation.

I’m imagining what that Colonel went through, trying to break down whatever he was saying into language that this dumbfuck would understand, and I can’t stop laughing.

Thank you Jason. I tell myself the same thing trying to get my niece interested in coding and programming since she enjoys playing Overwatch so much. I have her enrolled in a Girls Who Code program in my city.

It seems like it’s the same type of people who ask why there isn’t a straight pride parade.

The most simple way to put it is boys already have “Boys Make Games.” There are plenty of organizations out there to teach coding to everyone. The issues comes from the fact that these are typically geared towards boys and can be quite hostile to girls. In my programming classes we never had more than 3 women. We

Yep, and hopefully programs like Girls Make Games can help solve that problem in the long run!

You do a very good job of laying out the basics of the situation. For perspective on the matter, the studio I work for is currently accepting applications for programmers. Of the applications I have dealt with none have been women.
The industry is not even reaching the moment at which we could choose our hires based

There are plenty of game jams and workshops for you. This one is not for you. I can’t imagine that will really affect your life all that much, but if it does, consider it a trade-off for all the other inherent advantages you’ll have in the video game industry. Not having to worry all that much about being sexually

I don’t expect everyone to have intimate knowledge of the workings of AAA video games, but come on — Mass Effect Andromeda was made by hundreds of people. Do you really think ONE person was responsible for all the animations? Subpar animation work can be the result of so so so many factors, including technology

I trust his judgement, all of the traveling, all of drinking, drugs and hard living he has done. Bourdain is a guy that has “seen some things” and lived to tell about it.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

It certainly makes sense. Then again, he could just be a physically dirty person, who’s a hardcore alcoholic. He doesn’t seem to take any pride in his appearance, which is odd, considering he’s part of Trump’s inner circle. You’d think he try to look presentable. Instead he looks like somebody who crawled out of the

When you are not the government it is called “running your business.”

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

This is a fact. My immediate boss, who called me “one of the softies” and kept trying to talk to me about Hillary’s health, talks exactly like Trump. Lots of words, little content, endless asides, and no sign that he will ever express a clear, identifiable idea. He starts virtually every statement with something along

Trump supporters are profoundly stupid people. Now that’s the 800-lb un-PC gorilla in the room. Tell them that and watch them gnash their teeth and talk about their fucking college degrees like that somehow makes them smart.

Yes, he did.

Fun fact: my friends who do analytics for political campaigns tell me a very large percentage of poll respondents who claim to be black Republicans are simply lying. They amuse themselves by looking up these people’s Facebooks and such and it’s very commonly a white person who’s just trolling the pollster.

Because they speak exactly like he does.

Fab Five Freddy Douglass.

Well, the election, it came out really well. Next time we’ll triple the number or quadruple it. We want to get it over 51, right? At least 51.