Sola Balisane

Luz Long was more than kind to Owens. In defiance of other Nazi athletes routinely ignoring or belittling their non-Aryan competitors, Long hugged Owens after Owens beat his mark to win Gold, locked arms with Owens to walk him to the locker room, and held his shoulder congratulating him in front of the international

He was doing great, until he got his ass beat.” LOL

Fascists and racists are fucking cowards. Anything less than 8 on 1 and they run. See: every fight with Nazi skinheads at punk shows. Those dudes are SOFT. 

The fact that this asshole blamed everyone but himself for the loss & refused to give his opponent any credit is right on brand for anyone supporting Trump. I hope he gets a rematch and gets his ass beat again.

I also imagine a solid chunk of them lost money gambling on this fight.

And that is and has always been the problem.

Netflix: Are you still watching this motherfucker get punched in the face?

They’re not putting a heroic black liberator on the money on Trump’s watch—not if he can help it.

One of my student workers is also in the university’s ROTC program. For two years, she and the other women in the ROTC planned their big Christmas party (in fact, this party was traditionally thrown by the women of ROTC, I’m not sure why. I’m sure some degree of sexism was involved.) Anywho....It was a real shindig:

I like how he’s holding his jacket closed like he’s afraid of either 1. accidentally setting himself on fire even though he’s three feet away from the candelabra or 2. Getting the flaps of his jacket in the “food,” which is safely ensconced in cardboard.

When you don’t do any actual work, your appointment schedule tends to be clear most of the time.

“50-year-old women do not see me either!” he told the station. “They have something else to do than to get around a neurotic who writes and reads all day long. It’s not easy to be with me.”

Manhattan makes me very happy because you see gay and straight couples of all combinations walking down the street — but I have to admit the most rare coupling I ever see are the elusive [Asian man + black woman].

I think that most of them would prefer to have a white woman, but this is the way the cookie crumbled for them.”

Hey, I’m a pasty white lady with a Chinese husband! *high five*

I am a young man, half Chinese/white with a Chinese mother. I look more ambiguous/white which I understand confers privilege upon me. Many people, including my own mother tell me “You’re hot because you look more white.”

I couldn’t BELIEVE the number of pathetic old white dudes with young asian girlfriends the first time I went to Bangkok (let’s not even talk about places like Pattaya). Like, I expected it, but you could have built a god damn skyscraper out of them there were so many.

Do you want demons?

If youve never seen something like this in person, and think it probably only works in video, like the “bending water” trick, I can tell you it does look like this in person. I have a fan that displays an analog clock face, and while it uses older, cheaper tech, its still a solid image. These new-fangled LED systems

obviously spinning LED holograms have been around for a while, but that’s the first one I’ve seen that looks crisp HD. Looking at phantom website I see why, they are using very small surface mount LED’s.