Sola Balisane

“Market-tested for herbishness” I had to take a minute.

It’s tailored to hide both his shape and his diaper. A tailor is an artisan, not a magician. 

Well, if you stop eating food because you’re just going to die one day, that’s not going to work out, either. Maintaining is a job for Future You. Leave a note for that guy and do what you need to do today.

No kidding. I’ve been forced to take a break from weights, and today is my first day back, and I’m suddenly so glad, even if it’s going to suck hard.

You do realize that “plus size” in the US is anything over a 12... which is most women who are, say, 5’10” or taller. Or have a bust size above DD.

This is what a full-fledged sociopath looks like. He does not have innate empathy. Privilege is what allowed him to both never learn about empathy (sociopaths can learn and perform it, even if it's not intrinsic) and escape consequences until now.

Completely mirrored, pupil-less lenses are, unfortunately, very expensive.

I just want to know if he has the super-good quality Slytherin bookbag from six or seven years ago, and if so, can I come over in the middle of the night and abscond with it.

Nothing wrong with being clear-eyed about the nature of small children. If you don't recognize and acknowledge that empathy and basic social order is something they have to be specifically taught and see demonstrated, how are you supposed to effectively achieve it?