Sola Balisane

We’re all going down in flames.

There seems to be one and only one sentiment among Trump voters: “We won!” It would be nice if they could expand their horizons beyond their shallow, 3rd-grade level exaltation and acknowledge some of the real and pressing issues facing our nation, and how they will be adequately addressed by Trump and his staff, but


Here is what I want you to say:

And weep quietly in your car (which is also your house) when you end up losing your jobs, your homes and any means of surviving in the world unless you are already a rich white guy, I assume.

Fuck every spineless milquetoast Republican politician who is bending over and taking it up the shit chute for this asshole

Okay. For fuck’s sake can we calm down with this sort of talk? The alt-right with their “cuck” obsession is bad enough (even if it is convenient shorthand to easily identify someone as a piece of

As you have for the year leading up to the election? The same group of imbeciles who were crying foul and talking about rigged elections for months before the votes were tallied? The ones chanting, “Lock her up!” and “Build that wall!” at every turn? Doesn’t sound like silence to me.

All they can say anymore is:

I’d add every milquetoast liberal who “just wants to unite the country” and “work across the aisle” because they just can’t stand to see people be mean to one another. :(

Yeah snowflake, you Trump voters are really known for your penchant for being quiet and restrained on the internet.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

Ignoring them doesn’t make them go away, any more than ignoring a cockroach infestation means the cockroaches will go away. Passivity solves nothing.

This is the most awesome point I’ve heard in defense of the Electoral College yet: OK, we’ll vote eventually, but we’re not agreeing until you tell us everything. You need to expose every deal made during the campaign, the last five years of tax returns, any correspondence with a foreign power outside of the on the

Except no one’s disregarding the rules. The rules say that most points scored nets you more of your side’s voters, who then determine who wins. Actively encouraging those voters to vote for the team who gained the most yards (arguably a more impressive offensive efforts) is totally acceptable.

A check like the electoral college, you mean?

No, the whole point of the electoral college is to prevent a fascist from becoming President, so it’s their fucking moral duty not to vote for him.

What Surpun is doing — and what he’s not doing is voting for Clinton — is not only Constitutionally valid, it has historical precedent.

There’s only one other election is U.S. history that truly compares to Clinton’s popular vote win/electoral college loss — and it’s the only disputed election result in U.S. history.

It’s not a favor, it’s recognition that the mechanism in place—as imperfect as it is—is the best hope we have of avoiding a calamitous presidency.

His argument is totally sound: the electoral college was set up to deny the will of the people if the people vote for a lunatic. It was not set up for the sake of smaller states or some other nonsense I have read. The Founding Fathers(tm) didn’t trust voters. The FFs also didn’t want direct election of u.s. Senators.