Sola Balisane

And it literally gets worse everyday! Everyday you start the day going “there is no way *insert another clown that supported Trump and is a complete asshole* is going to head *insert important US govt dept*” and boom, that happens. At this point if an alien fleet shows up next week to make us all into burger patties

As a significant other that doesn’t drink coffee and occassionally waits in the car, I will lose exactly zero minutes of sleep over “loitering in starbucks” guy. LOL

You sound insecure as fuck., god forbid women casually flirt with people to just have fun? Or, women cant be trusted to set their own boundaries - and their partners simply trust that they’ll defend those boundaries in order to respect and honor a relationship they mutually treasure?

I’m not sure what your point is here - besides,

Us normal people call that “Having a conversation.”

Maybe he was anemic or something. Either way, overcoming his phobia was surely better in the long run than compromising and allowing his delusion to run unfettered. Right?

There are more then a few organizations that put out misleading and just factually wrong information about human physiology and diet. PETA comes to mind - they fabricate a lot of claims that humans aren’t evolved for/capable of eating/digesting meat. Nothing agaisnt those who choose to be vegetarian or vegan, but it’s

Kind of reminds me of the parents who were feeding the baby nothing but almond milk and the boy had scurvy. SCURVY. At least this boy is with a father who will feed him properly, and his mother didn’t give him some old-timey sailor’s disease in the process of trying to kill- I mean, feed him.

This woman sounds like she is suffering from some extreme mental illness. Obsessing over what your infant is eating is a little bit normal as a new mom. Restricting diets are so dangerous for infants. Infants literally need fat so their brains can develop. It sounds like this woman could possibly have done some

Not even this one??!

How you doin’?

Whatever you say ...

Daario wants his look back.

Nice try, but face fur (even when it’s dyed all pretty) is not the same as face feathers. Every man can do face fur.

Well hello there.

How good of a dance are we talking here? I can do tap.

Clearly you've never been to one. They're amazing and really fun

Positive status isn’t something to celebrate, and I don’t think that Baldwin is implying that it is- rather it’s like any other chronic illness, but fear and stigma around the disease mean that people treat HIV+ people like lepers.

Chunder and Plunder.