Sola Balisane

You mean Eggcellent.

So lets just give up and crawl back into our proverbial caves instead of reaching into the unknown and possibly grasping a much deeper understanding of the universe.

Thank you. I was genuinely curious. I felt like that person make a huge leap of logic suggesting she didn’t (unless Paster knew something I didn’t).

She responded to someone on twitter and said that her publicist has been reaching out to everyone, with no takers, for months

“This is nobody’s fault except Leslie’s,” Paster says. “She should have known four to five months ago the date of premiere, and said, ‘I’m not a sample size, I need to go to designers early or buy myself a dress.’

I guess I’ll have to buy my $6 asparagus water somewhere else then...

Seriously. Dude is a creeper.

Honestly as a black man what frustrates even more about this situation is seeing dumb ass black people support or behave like this. When any group that should have an intimate understanding of oppression/bias actively or even passively participates in further oppression/bias it really makes me wanna give up.

The dumbest part of all of this is that they want people who were born female but identify male to go to the bathroom that corresponds with their birth sex....which is female. Which means people who look like dudes will be going to the ladies room in order to comply with the law. So, why are they stopping people who

Or, how long before some Bathroom Monitor in an open-carry state gets shot for trying to interfere with a woman like this?

I just don’t get it . . . how is any of this ok? Are people in America so disenfranchised that they will rally to police bathrooms just to feel like they have a modicum of control or importance?

How long before someone who isn’t stable decides to be the Bathroom Monitor with a semi automatic and someone gets shot. Because this is exactly where this is headed.

Go ahead and crush that kid’s dream. And when your daughter sees on TV what you did, crush hers too. She’ll never look at you the same again.

Some McDonalds will let you, they get angry when you get stuck in one of the climbing towers due to your adult size though....or so I've heard.

Yep, sorry friend. You’re also not allowed to go play in the McDonald’s PlayPlace even if your mother always refused to take you when you were little.

Yeah I’m on my way to the barn for my dumbbell workout as soon as I close the IPad. I rode by the cornfields this morning before it got hot. Hit the first big hill and briefly wondered why my legs hurt...the squat workout yesterday my tired mind responded. I started exercising again last November and was pleasantly

Whenever someone brings up the arm-flab dilemma, I put my arms up like a body builder, and tell them “whenever I feel bad about my arms, I remember what I named them. Paul.” Kiss the right arm “McCartney” kiss the left arm, “WINGS!” shake both arms furiously.

It makes people laugh so now I know they’re thinking about

I kept waiting for this. I kept waiting to hear why a man his age would go to see Trainwreck alone if there were “no motivation” as police were saying earlier. I kept waiting to hear about the misogyny and racism because I knew it was just a matter of time. These guys never just kill a bunch of random people and

Well, I just wanted to invite people over for some lemon bars and freshly squeezed lemonade and Instagram turned it into this whole big thing and now I don’t even know if anyone is coming to my annual summer lemon party :(