
Didnt the screenies show that they had it in a carrier at one point? I’m confused now.

“Insubordinate... and churlish.”

I thought you were gonna say, the same people that don’t want trans people to serve in the military are the same people who dodged the draft to fight in Vietnam.

Naah, of course he won’t follow through. The blowback / evisceration started as soon as the tweet was published. His lawyers advise against it, the generals advise against it, almost all of Congress advise against it, it ain’t gonna happen. He just wanted to feel powerful.

He just tweeted it to distract everybody from the healthcare debacle that day.... he was desperate for a diversion, and there’s only so many times he can pull the “hey, look at my inauguration crowd size map, over here” routine. Now, of course, he’s either got to follow up on the transgender ban or shut the fuck up

the same people that dont want trans people to serve in the military are the same people that are too cowardly to go to chipotle without a pistol in their sock.

I can’t wait for the day a transsexual stripper comes forward about the time trump paid her for a blowjob.

Genocide aside (which, I concede, is a pretty BIG fucking aside), at least he’s interesting though. There isn’t a goddamn thing interesting about Trump if he’s not rich.

Never fight crazy

sdtony - I realize you’re just sort of kidding around. But I’d listen to RebZ. If you said to Jackson’s face what you typed here, he’d have a knife in you, or shoot you, or break his cane over your head immediately. Part of his power as a leader was that so many political opponents were physically afraid of him.

And a pretty significant percentage of them are servicemen stationed there.

I wonder if Donald Trump knows that Guam is part of the United States, and that its people are American Citizens. You know, like, if they chose to move to California that wouldn’t make them immigrants.

And might I suggest a nice dry gin with a quinine tonic water as your anesthetic of choice. It goes great with spiced meats, pickles, and so fucking many frustrated tears.

And I’m old enough to remember the 1st Cold War...this fucking sucks. If anyone wants me I’ll be drunk off my ass, trying to get between my girls

For those of you too young to recognize the impotent dread you’re feeling: Welcome to Cold War Fear Redux. Yes, you’re going to feel this all the time now. No, there’s no refuge.

Perhaps most disturbing, I truly believe Dolt 45's response would be different if he were located on the West coast.

Yeah, and Jackson killed a guy on the White House lawn for calling his wife fat.

LOL well alright then. Although I wouldn’t call DT a vicious mean sonofabitch the way Andrew Jackson was. He got shot multiple times and, like, LOVED dueling haha

He was vicious, a mean sonofabitch. Do you think you could take undead Andrew Jackson?!

He also survived multiple assassination attempts in which he ended up beating the ever-loving shit out of his would be assassins. Also, he hid hundreds of pounds of moldy cheese in the White House when he left just to fuck with Martin Van Buren. This is not an enemy you want to have.

Dude, every fucking Starbucks in NYC has a bathroom. And there is a Starbucks on every other block. C’mon man