
I’m sure that all of the new characters are vitally important to the state of the galaxy in the sequel movies and will all be featured or mentioned in The Last Jedi.

To be fair, this was never my franchise, and I don’t think I ever saw more than a few scenes from T3. But I kept up with the news, at least, and now just can’t be arsed. It all feels very lather, rinse, repeat.

I experienced that particular moment as soon as I watched the trailer for Terminator 3 almost 15 years ago...

I’m over Terminator. I finally saw T3 five years ago and haven’t seen Salvation nor Genisys.

We’re talking pretty seriously now about doing some new Terminator films or possibly a trilogy and you’ll just have to see what surfaces in those.

Didnt the screenies show that they had it in a carrier at one point? I’m confused now.

“Insubordinate... and churlish.”

I thought you were gonna say, the same people that don’t want trans people to serve in the military are the same people who dodged the draft to fight in Vietnam.

Naah, of course he won’t follow through. The blowback / evisceration started as soon as the tweet was published. His lawyers advise against it, the generals advise against it, almost all of Congress advise against it, it ain’t gonna happen. He just wanted to feel powerful.

He just tweeted it to distract everybody from the healthcare debacle that day.... he was desperate for a diversion, and there’s only so many times he can pull the “hey, look at my inauguration crowd size map, over here” routine. Now, of course, he’s either got to follow up on the transgender ban or shut the fuck up

Definitely picked by the Board for Selling More Star Wars Toys.

My mind’s eye went straight to Ambo-jitsu garb:

the same people that dont want trans people to serve in the military are the same people that are too cowardly to go to chipotle without a pistol in their sock.


Hopefully that realization is Luke’s catalyst for saying the Jedi need to end. Enough with repeating the mistakes of the past and literally listening to the ghosts of said past mistakes.

Yeah, I don’t see any narrative reason to continue to make New Chosen Ones.

100% this.

Mother fuckers need to get over this chosen one bullshit.

I can’t wait for the day a transsexual stripper comes forward about the time trump paid her for a blowjob.

Dude, every fucking Starbucks in NYC has a bathroom. And there is a Starbucks on every other block. C’mon man