How is anyone supposed to know before they move into a place that an obnoxious ice cream truck is going to park in front of them and blare music incessantly for two hours every night?
How is anyone supposed to know before they move into a place that an obnoxious ice cream truck is going to park in front of them and blare music incessantly for two hours every night?
People move to the country and build a large house then start bitching to the health department that the pig shit fertilizer is making them sick.
If I own it or have a lease I have every-right to demand peace and quiet.
I really don’t mind the muted/fast forwarded credits. The thing that annoys me is that along with doing that and having the shows slightly sped up, they also cut out parts of the shows. I would notice it often on FXX with Raising Hope and TBS with Friends.
Geico drives me fucking insane. At any given time they have 30 different ads running and they’re all fucking terrible. Old people think they’re hilarious too, so when I go watch a game at my parents, I have to feign amusement by them when my dad laughs. Somehow that makes it way worse for me.
Yes. This seems to have started in the last few days and holy crap, just when you thought his tweets couldn’t look any more infantile, he starts doing this.
His first name is Randal and has nothing to do with Ayn Rand. Stop saying that because it’s absolutely bogus and takes away from any serious discussion of the man and his policies. This is shit people figured out 6 years ago. Stop it.
It’s funny because people who don’t like living in any city are usually the ones saying this. Go figure.
I bet they all hate NYC too, because liberals and gays.
And half the time it’s not only auto-play, it also starts off with an un-skipable commercial for a fucking Chevy Cobalt. No one wants to watch that shit! That’s why we’re not watching TV.
Slightly topic-adjacent but anything that shits on Vice is cool with me:
Don’t you love how he doesn’t want it to be political but every game starts with the anthem, a marching band, a field spanning flag and a fucking squadron of jets doing a flyover? Noo, nothing political about that. Meanwhile Kaep takes a knee and it’s all “KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MAH FOOOBAW!!!!”
Fine, I’ll say it. “Social Justice Warrior” is dogwhistly as fuck for “I’m a shit head fucknosed asshole racist piece of shit but I’m too dumb to realize everyone knows I’m full of crap.”
Nobody even noticed until week 3 and he was basically never on camera. You weren’t forced to watch shit.
My guess is it had to be Ivanka that set it up. That’s the only way I can see no one else knowing.
Dude. You went glamping (maybe), had a guide drive you to where the lion was and used some high tech gun to kill it before it ever knew you existed. Way to go?
And culling by trophy hunters isn’t actually helping. They’re killing the pretty ones that they wan’t to pose with, not the ones that actually need to be culled.
Yeah, back in Detroit we used to do the same shit but it was empty warehouses we were shooting at. Sometimes little slivers of shattered brick would come back at us. It was incredibly stupid and totally illegal.
Even if we for the sake of argument stipulate that they shouldn’t have been there or should have moved, discharging a firearm in a residential neighborhood without an imminent threat us unacceptable full fucking stop.
That’s dumb. There’s just no other way to describe your comment. I don’t even need to get into expletives with it, it’s just dumb.