
I never threatened you, I merely stated a fact. And don’t underestimate GROWN ASS MAN rage, our muscles are way denser. If you’re not careful, you might have to find that out the hard way one day. And believe me, if this was 20 years ago before internet trolling was a thing, you would have found that out much, much

Uh, yeah dude, your kid is fucking gross and there’s hundreds of people here who don’t want your dirty ass kid’s lice. Not a hard concept to grasp.

I’m a 37 year old man who would knock you on your fucking ass in a heartbeat if you had the stones to say anything you’ve said to my face. Seriously, you wouldn’t get out of that conversation with all of your teeth, fuckboy.

As long as they’re both consenting adults, who tf are you to judge?

That reminds me of this scumbag pool shark named Dennis Dasher (seriously) who was hanging out with my sister when she was 16 and he was at least 45. He came to the house once to pick her up and me and my brother took one look at him and were on the verge of killing the guy. He knew it and we never saw or got a call

You’ve clearly never had shitty douchebag neighbors. The subject is a big fucking trigger for people who have.

Dismiss the troll. He’s allover the place.

That’s a good idea, just something light and compact for when you’re at work, saving the iPhone for the road. I barely use mine when I’m at home either, all my texts come through my laptop before they even hit my phone anyway. On the weekends it’s entirely possible for me to go an entire Saturday without even knowing

I loved my old Samsung Slide. I felt like a fucking Jedi with a lightsaber whipping that thing open. Or sometimes I was Kirk, depended on the mood.

He hasn’t gotten jack shit done on healthcare in his 6 months in office even while controlling all 3 branches of government. Shouldn’t it be about time you start feeling stupid?

Not on a weekend, though. He has rounds of golf to win cheat at.

Nah, those people are too fucking stupid to have a Eureka moment on this, and now they’re just digging in and screaming LALALALALALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALALALALALALALALALA

Oh yeah, “We didn’t know healthcare would be so hard, but we’re just going to fart out yet another half-witted solution that everyone hates over burned steaks served on golden plates. It’ll be great! The best!”

I’ve been masturbating competitively since I was 12. I always come in 1st.

The photos of that runner’s blisters are legit fucking horrifying. I usually am not bothered too much by stuff like that but I actually gagged when that first pic came up.

It’s totally public domain.

The Democrats will take control of the House in 2018, and the Senate in 2020.

Only 45% of Trump supporters believe that Don Jr. attended that meeting with the Russian lawyer for dirt on Clinton. Something he himself openly confirmed.

Oh yeah, the Democrats are totally obstructing by uh... not having a fucking say in anything. Republican turd of a bill sunk by Republicans but sure, the Dems stopped it by not voting for it. The ACA was only their biggest legislative accomplishment over the last 8 years, why wouldn’t they cross party lines to totally

Meanwhile you give the Saudis the money out of YOUR pocket!! Hey me and you are the same, we support this injustice! YAY consumerism! A box of pop tarts is more important to us than this girls life!